They Call It Progress
I try not to get too political or rant too much these days; I find it’s not good for my blood pressure and inner peace to dwell on these things. It broke my heart a few […]
They Call It Progress Read More »
I try not to get too political or rant too much these days; I find it’s not good for my blood pressure and inner peace to dwell on these things. It broke my heart a few […]
They Call It Progress Read More »
How does your day start? How does it end? If you’re like me, we start out with the best intentions but end with more stressors, failures, and fears than we expected or wanted. I’ve learned that
Unfolding Each Day Read More »
As most of y’all know, besides supper, my two favorite times of the day are sunrise and sunset. I’m blessed that most days I’m doing something outside at those times, which allows me to enjoy both.
Beyond John 3:16, one of the best-known verses of the Bible, and maybe John 11:35 if you’re a youngster, what’s one of your favorite Scripture verses? Mine is Philippians 4:13; “I can do all things through
It’s become inevitable. When “Archie the screeching dog” gets his exercise, his big brother, “Bubba the chocolate lab”, accompanies him. Like me, Bubba can stand to do a little more walking. With his non-healing CCL injury
My Paul and Timothy Read More »
I, therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you to walk worthy of the calling with which you were called, with all lowliness and gentleness, with longsuffering, bearing with one another in love, endeavoring to keep
Bearing One Another Read More »
Driving across my pastures, I’m always looking for signs. Invasive weeds or insects that signal a need for treatment or sneaky serpents that can cause harm to my newborn calves and my buddy, Bubba, the chocolate
The Scars That Remain Read More »
Few writers are born with the natural gift of storytelling. Many of us have toiled for years to learn the art and science of the writing craft. I don’t think that was the case for my
What a privilege it is to share a guest post from one of my favorite Christian writers (boy, how this group has expanded the past few years), Mrs. Diana Derringer. In addition to be a lover
If Trees Could Talk Read More »
Immediately the father of the child cried out and said with tears, ‘Lord, I believe; help my unbelief!’ (Mark 9:24, NKJV) I’ve long had questions about that Scripture verse. How can someone claim they believe and