Our Need For a Pahke

Don’t we all have memories of when the children were little and the cute or funny things they would say? Growing up in a different atmosphere than most children, I don’t have many of my own to recall. Perhaps that’s why I’ve always enjoyed hearing about others. Among my favorites is the one about my Ms. Diane’s son and his pahke (pronounced pah-key), which was the name he gave his security blanket. Like Linus Van Pelt, Charlie Brown’s best friend in the Peanuts cartoon strip, her son carried his pahke everywhere.

Cute enough is the fact that he had a security blanket (er pahke) that gave him a sense of peace, safety, and a level of comfort. It gets better. As the story goes, his mama asked, “Where’s your pahke?” as he was nearing his nap time. The little fella rambled over to retrieve his blanket and then went to his grandmother. Looking at mama, he lifted his blanket high, quizzically asking “Dis a pahke”, then tugging his grandma’s pant leg, repeating “Dis a pahke.” As you might expect, Ms. Emma Mosconi melted and her grandson became her favorite person after that.

I was reminded of this story recently when I gave “Archie the Shrieking Dog” to Ms. Diane as a CHRISTmas gift. A tiny two-and-a-half-pound bundle of energy, the miniature Yorkie-Poo puppy has proven to add quite the change of pace to our household. Unable to bark, he screeches like a bobcat in heat or small child screaming. When he’s startled awake by something at 2am, it gets your attention.

We laugh when we hear it now, but the first time it happened, I was working at my desk and immediately ran into Ms. Diane’s room, convinced something was wrong. I had no idea it was the dog until I rushed into the room to find Diane laughing hysterically at his funny sound.

Picking him up at the breeder, we placed a lap blanket into his carrier to give him a more comfortable ride. He instantly nestled himself into its folds and went to sleep. Since then, he’s acquired a few others. The plush one beside mama’s desk. A soft, fuzzy blanket that rests on the ottoman beside my lift chair (he rests there when it’s my nap time). Then, there’s my sweatshirt near my office chair. I often wear it on cool mornings when I feed the livestock. This seems to be his favorite resting place in our home. Whenever we can’t find him, we know to go look to see if he’s curled up on my sweatshirt in the den.

“Archie” has laid claim to numerous pahkes around our home. Like my wife’s son, he too drags his pahke with him from room to room (when he’s not busy stealing errant socks or bedroom slippers). Mama tells him to “go lay down on your pahke” and he’ll promptly find the nearest one, when he wants to.

With the strange word making its way into our everyday vocabulary, I’ve started to wonder if I have a pahke or two in my life as well. So, what’s a pahke? It’s something that makes you feel safe, protected, comforted, and nurtured. I’m happy to report that I’ve got a couple.

We all need a pahke in our lives. What’s yours? #Safe #Comforted #Protected #Guided Share on X

The first is my spouse, Ms. Diane. When I’m near her, there’s a sense of peace that settles over me. I can “let down my guard”, relax, and breathe easier when I’m in her presence. The other, and the One from which all other pahkes originate, is the Holy Spirit. As promised in Ephesians 1:13 and elsewhere in God’s Word, we are sealed (set apart) by the Holy Spirit for God. He, the Holy Spirit, comes to live in our hearts, becoming our Helper, Comforter, Intercessor, Teacher, spirit of Truth, and more.

Among my favorite parts of the Bible, the 16 verses in Psalm 91 always brings to light the realization that God is always with us. The Holy Spirit who indwells us is a pahke we carry inside of us everywhere we go. When I feel afraid or alone in the world, I recite Psalm 91:1-4 and the darkness dissipates as I feel God’s loving presence in every part of me. His Word is the one promise that will never be broken or removed from us once we become His.

“He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High
Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.
I will say of the LORD, ‘He is my refuge and my fortress;
My God, in Him I will trust.’
Surely He shall deliver
you from the snare of the fowler
And from the perilous pestilence.
He shall cover you with His feathers,
And under His wings you shall take refuge;
His truth shall be your shield and buckler.”

(Psalm 91:1-4, NKJV)

I pray you take a moment to consider if you have a pahke or two, or six, in your life this week. And when you do, take another moment to thank God for each one.

God’s blessings,

60 thoughts on “Our Need For a Pahke”

  1. That is precious beyond words and I pray my grandchildren always feel that way about me too! I can relate to both of your pahkes – I have always felt as long as my husband was with me, he would protect me and therefore I felt (and feel) safe and calm. The Holy Spirit for sure. I am so grateful He is always with me and will never leave me no matter how I mess up.

  2. Thank you for sharing this wonderful story this morning. Of course, I have a few pahkes of my own. But from my years in the field of counseling and people I’ve known, I’ve seen those who find unhealthy or unhelpful things to be their pahke. Thanks be to God for His deliverance & sufficiency, and for giving us better pahkes.

    1. How very true Ms. Dottie. Smoking, drinking, sex, drugs, so many of these are “fakes”, “replicas”, and “cheap copies” of what God wants us to have in Him. So few ever come to realize that. I’m with you ma’am. “Choose the Better! Choose God!”

  3. Kathy Collard Miller

    (whisper): Don’t tell my 40’s something son but I have his pahke. I’m so glad I kept it. It’s pretty thin now. I’m glad God’s provisions are never thin. Thank you, J.D.!

    1. LOL… You’re not alone. It’s stored in the guest room closet, tucked away so no one will ever attempt to use it. 🙂 We also, just recently, retired the small pan that Ms. Diane used to heat his bottles in when he was a baby. I just couldn’t bear the thought of the handle breaking off or something when we were using it everyday. Especially considering it’s 48 years old.

  4. I loved your descriptions of what Archie’s attention getting shriek sounded like, even though I’ve never really heard a bobcat in heat, I can imagine :). Beyond that, like everyone else, I got to reflect on the pahke’s adopted by my children and grandchildren, and then on the ones I cherish myself. Like you, leaning back in a recliner after sharing a meal with my own Mrs. Diane leads the list.
    One of he things I learned during our pilgrimage to Israel last year was that I had really underestimated the meaning of the word “shalom.” I had always relegated it to sort of a Jewish word for “peace,” but to God’s people over the centuries it has meant so much more than that. Shalom describes what it mans to feel safe, secure, protected, provided for, and loved. It’s what it feels like to be free of the fears, anxieties, and grief the world throws at us daily. It’s the pahke God invites us to share with Him now, and the one that defines the atmosphere we will share with Him and each other forever. Thanks again, my friend, for the verbal time machine you invited us to jump in with you and for adding an extra bit of shalom to our morning.

    1. So true Mr. Ron. Shalom is much more than the world’s understanding of peace. I read somewhere that it is a “peace that surpasses all understanding that will guard your heart.” 🙂 As for that bobcat screech? Here’s something pretty close to what I hear when my slippers scuff the floor when I get up to go to the restroom in the middle of the night. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wjW0AQSILQE

  5. Psalm 91 is among my favorites and I think on it oftentimes. Beautiful message my friend and like the pahkes, it warmed me heart as I though of my blessed pahkes in my life.

  6. What sweet memories of your wife’s son. One of my regrets is that I didn’t write down my kids’ funny sayings or special words. I thought I’d always remember them, but I’ve learned my memory isn’t always reliable!

    It may sound odd, but one of my “pahkes” is my bathroom. 🙂 When we travel, I miss my own bed, but I especially miss my own bathroom.

    My husband is my major pahke, like your Mrs. Diane. I can most be myself when I am with him, and I know he will do everything in his power to make sure I am safe and cared for.

    What a picture and reflection of the Holy Spirit our spouses are. How wonderful that He is always with us, never misunderstands, always knows what’s best, and is able to do what’s best.

    1. How true Ms. Barbara. Isn’t it amazing how when we invite God into our individual lives and into our joined married life, we find He begins to permeate our union too? I wish, and pray for, often that I allow God to make me the husband that my dear wife deserves. Still a WIP here.

    1. Oh, I love that! In-laws can either be a source of inspiration or a source of exasperation. I think many times, it goes back to my old missive, “You get what you give.” Great thoughts ma’am. Thank you!

  7. I had a favorite blanket, known as my “Bee,” when I was young. I wore it out, literally, but kept that remnant under my pillow until I was around 10-years-old. I would finger it as I fell asleep.
    We all need pahkes, don’t we? Now, like you, I find that in those people closest to me and in the comfort of God’s Word.
    Blessings, J. D.!

    1. How true Ms. Martha. I don’t know that I was ever blessed enough to have a “bee.” Perhaps as close as I can come to that is my adopted mama, Mrs. Theresa Adams. She was always that comforting, safe place I could turn to when life would overwhelm me.

  8. What a sweet post, Mr. J.D. I’m so glad you have a loving wife who gives you peace and a safe haven to be yourself. My sweet hubby and I try to be like that for one another, too. And, the only way we can is, as you mentioned, by the power of the Holy Spirit.
    I’d love to “meet” Mrs. Diane someday. Has she ever guest posted for you?

    1. Thank you Ms. Sally. Yes, from the very little I’ve learned about you from your writing, I can certainly see how your spouse serves that role for you also. And I think my Ms. Diane would love to meet you. I’ve featured her in a couple of posts years back. Maybe it’s time to reintroduce her to many of my new friends.

    1. Thank you Ms. Nancy. For too many years, I was a “Road Warrior” and would be gone for weeks at a time. Like you, I couldn’t wait to get home. What a powerful world that is, “Home”. So glad we both share the same one in our future ma’am. I’m so ready, I pray!

  9. My daughter had a yellow one she grabbed when she was tired. Love connecting that comfort with God’s word and my hubby. God has used both to comfort and encourage me many times.

    1. Yes! Isn’t it amazing how we grasp for our pahkes, both physical and spiritual when we are tired and weary. What a great point you made Ms. Debbie. Thank you ma’am, and God’s blessings.

    1. Too kind Ms. Connie. I feel so much the same when I read your daily thoughts for your grandchildren or I take down one of your wonderful books and read a portion. I’m comforted in God’s love and kindness through your words my friend.

  10. What a sweet story! My pahke is my husband. I am always at ease when he is near. My other pakhe is God’s love. It is wrapped around me like a silk blanket.

  11. Great memory to bring into your everyday life today with new meaning. Having five children, we say each of them have their unique pahke.
    Yesterday, our youngest had her wisdom teeth extracted. She came back home to be comforted by her pahke (mom). But she also brought with her her pahke, a stuffed animal. She’s 21-years old, and has a comfort yielding pahke.

    1. I love that Mr. Ben. We all need a pahke my friend, just as we need strong prayer warriors to stand alongside us. I’m sure glad you’re one of mine. I hope I return that blessing.

  12. It’s good of God to provide us with physical, soft, cozy things for comfort which all point to the One who is our comfort at all times. The picture in Psalm 91 brings assurance we have nothing to fear under the shadow of his wings. (Confession: I might still sleep with my small stuffed Snoopy …)

    1. I love it! I can see that now my friend. Tattered and worn, but filled with love, hopes, dreams, and the words of so many prayers uttered. That sure must be one special little pup.

  13. Cute story of Archie and all his payke’s around the house. I can imagine him taking over the nearest thing that is soft to cuddle on like your sweatshirt. 🙂 And Psalm 91 is one of my favorite “comfort” passages in the Bible. It brings such peace and security.

    1. It sure does Ms. Karen. And yes, a new puppy has a way of disrupting an entire household. I think I’ll spend 30 minutes each evening picking up toys he’s strewn all over the house for the rest of my life. LOL

  14. My children had a “pahke” and so does my grandson. I don’t think we “old folks” often had that privilege, but like you, J.D., I’ve examined my other “security blankets.” Our Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are first and foremost our foundation and security–our Creator, Savior, and Counselor/Comforter/Guide. Wow! We are so blessed to have that security system in force and is fail-proof! I hope you enjoy Archie. He sound delightful. Wishing you joy.

    1. So true Ms. Katherine. Our triune God is the best security blanket/pahke we could ever hope for. Our spouses, friends, and those human/wordly things are only effective when they reflect Him. What a blessing you are my friend. Thank you for sharing your wisdom with us.

    1. Thank you Ms. Patti. One of my favorite times of the day is the early morning, when the house is quiet, and I can just curl up in God’s lap and be warmed, encouraged, and nurtured in His love. God’s blessings ma’am.

  15. Both my daughter Meg and poodle Bobo had “dankets.” Neither could go to bed without them, and they were their constant companions all day long. My security blanket is my Bible and the Holy Spirit. I praise God for His gracious provisions to give us peace and security in these treacherous times. Your Archie sounds adorable! Enjoy him! Blessings, JD.

  16. J.D., this is beautiful. This week every portion of Scripture I read has been my “pahke” . I am so very grateful our God has given us His Word and promises to cling to each and every day!

    1. Aww… What a sweet thought my friend. To know that God is ever-comforting sometimes. I have to remind myself that sometimes I need His “tough love”, but I love those tender, comforting moments I get to spend with Him.

  17. After considering your question of what/who is my pahke, I decided on my dogs, Rio and O’Malley. Laying in the nap of neck brings joy, comfort, and some amount of security. I like them to follow me, lay down with me, and watch tv with me. Spiritually, I suppose my pahke could be my little ceramic sheep in the cast position on his back. Clutching it in my hand, I know God is my shepherd, my helper, and my rescuer.

    1. How sweet. I can relate to the comfort your Rio and O’Malley bring. Bubba does much the same for me. My blood pressure drops 10 points when he lays his big ole Bubba-head in my lap, or when he rolls over and gives me a “Bubba smile” as he invites me to take a moment to give him a tummy rub. And yes, we should all endeavor to remember, we are but sheep.

    1. “When she wants me” My “T.S. Eliot” (aka “Stinkers”) and “Ernest Hemingway” cats were the same way. With me for over 20 years, when they wanted your attention they got it, but it was always on their conditions. You couldn’t just reach over and pick one of them up, you had to wait for them to come to you. And yes, God is so good

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