A Prayer of Thanksgiving

One of the blessings of owning your own web site and having a blog is that I have the freedom to post whatever God places on my heart. In the weeks leading up to our uniquely American Thanksgiving holiday, there’s been lots of thankfulness and thinking-ness happening around the Cross-Dubya ranch. So rather than one of my usual posts about the happenings around here and the lessons God is teaching me, I offer this heartfelt prayer of thanksgiving.

Don’t forget to thank God for all He’s given us this Thanksgiving. Share on X

Father God, as my family and I are about to celebrate this American holiday tradition, I pause to first thank You for giving this nation (and the world) another year. We know that at Your word, the world as we know it today will come to an end. I thank You for creating me to be an American; and more, I praise you for calling me to become a Christian. As many freedoms as living in a nation founded upon Your principles, with a Constitution guaranteeing the right to live free gives, the greatest blessing is living in Your freedom. Your freedom, found only in our salvation achieved by placing our faith in Your Son, Jesus Christ, frees us from the death penalty sin brings.

Adonai (Lord, Master), I thank you for the many blessings bestowed upon my family and friends. While dad took his final first step into heaven’s glory, I thank You for the mercy given. So grateful that You did not allow him to languish and suffer, afraid and alone, separated from the family that he loved so much. I especially praise You for your protection of my bride for all those months as we sought medical treatment for her long-endured illness. I thank You for guiding us to the right people, place, and procedures to correct her malady and placing her back on the road to good health and restoring her quality of life.

Jehovah Rapha (the Lord who heals), you saved my friend Mr. Donnie and many others (including Ms. Diane and me) from this terrible man-made disease called Covid. I can’t understand why we humans do these things to ourselves Abba, but I thank You for creating us with the ability to fight this with the way you made our self-healing bodies and with the great minds that seek to heal, not harm, Your greatest creation.

Jehovah Jireh (the Lord who provides), thank You for blessing me with the consulting work, cattle sales, forage, and weather needed to have another successful year. You have protected the Cross-Dubya ranch through storms, diseases, and yes, deaths. Those calves we helped to grow and bless the community around us far outnumber those lost in birth and the days afterwards. I thank You for Your grace, provision, and protection as we sought to honor You through our work here at Your little ranch.

El Shaddai (Lord God Almighty), I thank You for the many wonderful Christian writing friends who guide me to become a better writer, able to more humbly serve Your kingdom with the gifts of love and adoration found in the words You inspire. Father, the friends and followers of my writing, those who comment and share my words around the world with their audiences are such a blessing to me. Thank You for the encouragement they bring and the prayers they send forth on my behalf. I pray Your continued guidance upon the words I write to bring You honor and glory Lord.

Jehovah Raah (the Lord is my shepherd), I especially praise You for Your patient teaching and guidance as I seek to be your under-shepherd; guiding my family, friends, readers, and followers to You and the lessons You would have me share with them. I pray You help me continue being attuned to Your urging in my life Father. Help me to seek You always. Thank You for Your Holy Spirit who nourishes me with Your word, who convicts me when I start to go off path, and who gently prompts me to show You to the world through my words, actions, and deeds. Allow me to continue to be a sheepdog, following Your direction while helping protect Your flock; and a subjective under-shepherd to my family. My most important role is sitting the faith model for my family to follow—so they too can grow in their faith.

You are Yahweh, the Lord and Master of all. You are El Elyon (the most high God) and I worship You for Your majesty, love, grace, and mercy. I praise You for loving me enough to lift me up from the death sentence of sin I was born under. I honor You for the unmerited grace and favor You have bestowed upon my life. You are my Jehovah Nissi (my banner), and I pray Your strength to help me always rally to Your presence. For You Lord, are my God victorious. I live because of, and for, You alone.

In the precious name of Your Son, Jesus Christ, I pray. -Amen

Ms. Diane, Bubba the chocolate lab, Magic and Elpis the donkeys, Mavric the bull and his herd, and I wish each of you a very blessed and Happy Thanksgiving. We pray His peace, grace, and goodness upon all facets of your life this day and in the coming days.

God’s blessings,


64 thoughts on “A Prayer of Thanksgiving”

  1. Dear J.D.,
    What a beautiful prayer. Thank you for leading me into an attitude of grateful worship this morning. Your pastoral heart is such a blessing to me.
    Happy Thanksgiving to you, Ms. Diane, and the crew,

    1. It has indeed been a challenging year for us Ms. Karen, but the greater the challenges, the sweeter the reward my friend. You and Mr. Russ know that well. Of course, as challenging as our lives can be sometimes, when we stop to really think about it, we are blessed much more than we realize. Even in the heat of battle. 🙂

  2. Beautiful and heart-felt, I’m amening you, brother. May God’s richest blessings overshadow you, Mrs. Diane, Bubba, the cows, and all who seek shelter under your care. We’re thankful for you and the joy you bring to everything you touch. Thanksgiving blessings!

    1. Shucks. I pray I can live up to being the man your kind words portray me to be my friend. God’s blessings; and I pray the Hatcher family have a truly blessed Thanksgiving holiday.

    1. Such kindness. Thank you Mr. Earl. Among our greatest blessings this year are meeting you and Ms. Joy; and finding a new “family of faith” to worship and grow with. Thank you for all your acceptance and encouragement.

  3. Leigh Ann Thomas

    Beautiful. Thank you for sharing your heart of gratitude. I love praying the names of God! Blessings on you and your family this Thanksgiving.

    1. Thank you so much Ms. Leigh Ann. I’m so very pleased that you enjoyed ma’am. I can close my eyes and imagine many of those same words of adoration and praise coming from you ma’am.

  4. It’s always a pleasure to read what you reflect from God’s grace. I discovered quite a while ago we, as the United States, are much better off when we consider not our independence and all the trials it brings, but our dependence upon the God of our forefathers. Halleluiah!

    Best blessings through Christ, now and forever more.

    1. Amen Mr. Warren. Too often, it seems we forget that America’s roots are deeply planted in the soil of God’s grace and the rich blessings our dependence upon and faithful service to Him brings to our nation and its people.

    1. I am touched by your kind and grace-filled words Mr. Roger. You often give me cause to pause and reflect upon God’s many blessings upon my life sir. God’s rich blessings my friend.

  5. Your intimate walk with the Lord, J.D., is so obvious and vibrant in this beautiful Thanksgiving prayer. Thank you for sharing your life through this prayer, and for blessing many with it. My heart especially resounds with your use of the names of God. We don’t hear those names often enough. Happy Thanksgiving to you, Ms Diane, and all the family of Cross Dubya.

  6. Great prayer that should be shared with and read by everyone. I thank my Lord for friends such as you and Miss Diane who open your hearts and home to so many! May you continue to be richly blessed!

    1. You are, as always, much too kind Me. Ben. I can see why we named the gentle-spirited calf “Benigno” now. As we’ve watched him mature, I see so many of his traits (gentleness, self-control, kindness, patience, love, joy, peace, etc.) in you. God’s blessings my faith-filled friend.

  7. What a lovely prayer! Thank you for sharing. Praying that you and yours have a meaningful Thanksgiving. Give all those animals an extra scoop of feed.

    1. Yes ma’am. I sure will. And will break out the “good hay” (high quality fertilized Bermuda grass) for dessert. 🙂 Happy Thanksgiving sweet friend. Your friendship and mentoring have meant so much to my Christian writing efforts.

  8. What a beautiful prayer, J.D. Amazing to think back on the faithfulness, mercy and grace of our Lord! I am grateful our paths crossed this year. May you and yours have a most blessed Thanksgiving!

  9. Your heartfelt prayer touched deeply. I shout a loud Amen as we join with all who love Jesus and stand strong during these times of persecution. Amid it all we can be thankful, for our Lord is in control. May blessings and honor be His.

  10. What a wonderful prayer! Such a blessed way to start the day! Happy Thanksgiving to you, Ms. Diane, and all the animals!

  11. I love the way your prayer reminds us that the God we serve is always so much more than we often take the time to think about. The way you addressed Him in the names that describe the many roles He fulfills for us every moment is inspirational. We love seeing the very personal way God has cared for you, your family (two-legged and four-legged), and your friends and associates. As I add a grateful “Amen” to your prayer, I adopt much of it as my own. May the many things you’ve praised Him for be multiplied in our lives in the year to come. Diane and I are thankful for you and the entire Cross-Dubbya family and pray that Thanksgiving Day will be another exhibition of His grace for us all.

    1. Thank you so much Mr. Ron. As we sat around the table yesterday with newfound friends in Christ, I couldn’t help but silently pause for a moment as I thought about how treasured your and Ms. Diane’s friendship is in my family’s lives. I pray that before another Thanksgiving rolls around that we four will have the opportunity meet and share fellowship together in person. God’s blessings sir; and thank you so much for all the encouragement you bring. Your weekly posts at gallagherspen.com set a high bar for me to strive toward with each effort sir.

  12. Absolutely beautiful my friend. I receive every one of your blessings bestowed and wish you and your lovely bride and family (including the animal family!) blessings heaped upon blessings this Thanksgiving and always.

    1. Aww shucks Ms. Ann. Thank you so very much for all your kind words, encouragement, and stellar support this year ma’am. God’s blessings; and may the Musico family be mightily blessed throughout the remainder of this year and beyond.

    1. Ms. Mimi; I can’t even remember now how many years we’ve been sharing encouragement and support with each other and our Christian writing journey ma’am; but I know this. I would have given up long ago had it not been for your steadfast persistence and dedication to your calling. You set an example that a great many of us endeavor to follow ma’am. Your friendship is a wonderful blessing indeed. Happy Thanksgiving to you, Mr. Alan, little Rowan, and all the Henderson’s. It’s always something with all y’all. 😀 God’s blessings ma’am.

    1. Happy Thanksgiving Ms. Nancy; and God’s blessings upon you and your family ma’am. Thank you so much for all your wonderful support this year. As I’m working through all these comments and well wishes, I am overwhelmed with gratitude for the blessings of friendship He has bestowed upon me.

  13. What a beautiful prayer that says it all. I am thankful to know people like you and Ms. Diane, even if only online. You are a blessing to all who know you and your words inspire and encourage. Happy Thanksgiving to you, Ms. Diane and your herd!

    1. Funny. I say the very thing about you and the Latta family sweet friend. God’s blessings; Happy Thanksgiving, and hurry back home soon. There’s comfort in knowing great and godly people like y’all are just a few states away.

    1. 😀 Your comments brought such a big smile Ms. Pauline. I pray for you, Mr. Tom, and the kids every day ma’am; and miss that wonderful sense of humor and humility your writing has. God’s blessings sweet friend.

  14. Thank you, J.D., for a beautiful prayer that reminds me of all my blessings, too. May god bless you and Diane with a wonderful Thanksgiving. I continue to pray that you were not injured the other day while moving hay.

    1. Am so blessed by your gracious words and steadfast support Ms. Kathy. May I somehow return that blessing in the coming year sweet lady. What a dear sister in Christ you have become to me.

    1. Shucks Ms. Joyce. It’s nothing when I consider all the prayers you and your sweet sister Ms. Jan have lifted up on my behalf through the years. I pray you, Ms. Barb, and young Sawyer had a wonderful Thanksgiving day together yesterday; basking in God’s glorious love.

  15. Wow, this was a fantastic and moving post and prayer. I’m thankful for our heavenly Father and for you, J.D. Your words always point us to spiritual truths and the lost to Jesus!

    1. Ditto Ms. Karen. When I read your poignant and always-inspiring posts ma’am, I am encouraged to reach the world with the same fervor for Christ and His gospel as you and Mr. Mike do. God’s blessings; and Happy Thanksgiving my Blue Ridge mountains loving friend.

  16. Thank you for sharing your Thanksgiving prayer with us, J.D. Addressing the Lord by His Hebrew names gives us another level of understanding His character and work in our lives. We praise Him for Who He is! Reading this the day after Thanksgiving just continues the spirit of the holiday. God bless you & yours.

    1. Ms. Dottie. Sometimes we can’t find the words to tell someone how much they mean to us. I pray God has understood my tear-filled pleas for you as you suffer through this back injury my friend. Oh, how I wish I were closer to somehow help. Instead, I will endeavor to constantly and consistently lift you up in prayer to the One who can and will make it all better. Happy Thanksgiving gracious friend.

    1. Aww Ms. Katherine. I’m just trying to follow the path you’ve blazed my friend. I pray you continue to get stronger and fully recover from your illness. I pray also that you had a wonderfully blessed time with family yesterday. God’s blessings sweet sister.

    1. Ms. Kathy. I gain so much inspiration from your posts ma’am, that it can’t help but spill out sometimes. 🙂 Thank you for all your wonderful support and encouragement. What a blessing the Miller family has been to my family this past year. God’s blessings folks.

  17. Beautiful thoughts, J.D., and a wonderful reminder of the many facets of our blessed God–so many reasons to praise Him! God bless you and yours this season of rejoicing.

    1. Thank you Ms. Wendy. Yes, it seems we have reason for limitless praise for our limitless God. I can’t imagine all the blessings He pours into my life that I don’t even see. Your generous words are one example. God’s blessings ma’am.

  18. I loved your prayer and prayed it right along with you. I appreciate and respect that thoughtful deviation. (I, too, love the freedom of being responsible for my own blog and having the freedom to say what is on my heart.) We are indeed blessed children of a mighty God.

    1. We had a wonderful time with great new friends from church Ms. LuAnn. It must’ve been fabulous for your and Mr. Kenn to have the entire family together again ma’am. Family is such a blessing.

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