Because There’s Dry Seasons

Sometimes our lives become a desert, devoid of the life-giving water that normally flows through our souls. It doesn’t always happen in the heat of summer, but can happen in the midst of a cold, dark winter season. I’ve experienced thirst in both. In the heat of battle, when adrenaline is coursing through our body, we aren’t even aware of our thirst. During a winter of discontent, our lives can become so cold and desolate that our heart pipes freeze and the water of life cannot flow.

My writing friend, Mrs. Christy Bass Adams, shared a post in June (Real Rain – Christy Bass Adams – Learning As I Go) that inspired me to write this post. I had written the idea for this post in my Idealog almost two years ago, but never got around to writing it. Ms. Christy’s post reminded me of a concept God showed me in 2018. That concept was the importance of being prepared for dry seasons.

Like now, during that hot summer, we experienced long dry spells with low humidity and temperatures in the 100s. Not willing to spend money to water the fruit and nut trees around our home, I watched as peaches, pears, apples, and pecans dried up and fell to the ground. My grass, trees, and flowers dried out and turned brown and appeared lifeless. Then, with a rare afternoon rain, some life and color returned to our yard. I decided that year I needed to build a rainwater collection system.

Using IBC totes, rain barrels, and some good old common sense, I developed a system that reroutes the rainwater from my gutters into storage containers I can use later. With this system, I collect a couple thousand gallons of God-provided, nutrient-rich, rainwater I can use around my yard for plants and our fruit trees with each good rain. The water from the metal roofs on my barns is safe for human and animal consumption, so I use it to water the livestock.

I also use county water to keep my cattle hydrated during these hot summer months, but it isn’t free. Nor is it nearly as nourishing. Stored rainwater allows me to keep the fruit trees in good shape during the hot Texas summers. God-provided water is nitrogen-infused and has other natural minerals that plants need. An interesting fact is that rain from a thunderstorm contains more plant-enriching nitrogen than a soft rain.

The reason for that is because the storm’s generated lightning has enough power to break the bonds of the nitrogen gas molecules found in the air. This results in having free nitrogen atoms that can combine with oxygen atoms to create nitrates, which dissolve better in rainwater than nitrogen gas. Most plants can’t use nitrogen gas but can use these nitrates. This makes thunderstorm rain even better for our plants and trees.

God-provided water does more than hydrate, it nourishes. Share on X

So now that the science lesson is over, let’s focus on the spiritual lesson God showed me. While praying about this system, God showed me a wonderful lesson. He reminded me of the many times I’ve experienced dry seasons in my life, and how His word written upon the storehouse of my heart has sustained me.

How does the living water of God’s word sustain you when you thirst? Share on X

Although I love all of God’s word, the Psalms have always held a special place in my heart. I think my fascination with them comes from my ability to relate them to events and seasons in my own life. In preparing to write this post, I thought about how many times I’ve likened myself to Psalmist who cried out with a thirst that only God can satisfy. Often, as I complete chores around the Cross-Dubya, my mind recalls one of my favorite verses from the Bible. This happens as I come to a stop atop the hill on the western edge of the ranch or under the pine trees near the barns.

“As the deer pants for the water brooks,
So pants my soul for You, O God.” (Psalm 42:1, NKJV)

When my soul is parched and dry from spiritual drought, I seek to draw from the storehouse of God’s word written upon my heart. Like my rain catchment system, my plants and animals can drink from that which has been stored for this time. In the same way, I can drink from the well of living water that is stored up within me. Also like my rainwater collection, if I don’t replace the water used, I too will begin to run dry.

Lord, please refresh us with Your heavenly rain. (Isaiah 44:3-4) Share on X

My prayer for you this week dear friend is that you allow God to refresh your soul and help you store up His living water for those times in the future that you will thirst for Him.

God’s blessings,

Please join me each Thursday evening at 9:30 Eastern as host Coach Mark Prasek and I take a trip Around the Cross-Dubya on PJNET TV. We discuss this week’s blog post, offer insight about the lessons learned, and enjoy the fellowship of friends in the live chat room.

46 thoughts on “Because There’s Dry Seasons”

  1. Just read from 1 Peter how God has given us great promises – all that we need to live the life He wants for us . I loved where you mentioned God’s Word sustains us. It fit with my reading. Truth upon truth.
    Thank you for a morning read filled with Hope.

    1. Just giving back a small portion of what I get from your posts Ms. Marilyn. Thank you for your kind words. I too love it when God uses our friends to affirm His word to us. God’s blessings ma’am. I’m so excited to start reading your and Ms. April’s latest book, “Destination Hope.”

  2. I never knew the facts you shared about rainwater, J. D., and I find it fascinating! And you are so right – if we are not properly watered in the Word, when dry seasons come, we will struggle to survive instead of thrive. Let us drink deeply of the Living Water.

    1. Aww… thank you Ms. Martha Jane! God has been teaching me so much in these past eight years. There are times when I don’t want it to end, and other times when I so want Him to return and bring us home with Him. Till then, we’ll just keep learning and sharing as best we can sweet friend.

  3. Thank you, J.D., for your encouragement to store up God’s Word for future dry seasons. My pastor just mentioned an app he uses to memorize Scripture, and I’m planning to look into because I struggle to memorize new verses. God’s Word is a treasure – living, active, the sword of the Spirit, and more! Blessings to you in Christ.

    1. Please share that app with us in a post Ms. Emily. I’m attending a meeting this evening for AWANA, with hopes to be found worthy to serve as a listener for the young people who’ll be participating in this program. We must pour into them more than ever before I think, because it seems the world is trying harder than ever to distract and deceive them. Besides, it’s going to force me to learn more scripture along with them LOL. Maybe God will even let me help them understand it as much as memorize it.

        1. Thank you Ms. Emily. I’ll look up the Verses app. That sounds perfect! Our AWANA planning meeting was a joy; am looking forward to starting next week. Have a blessed week gentle friend.

  4. Hey J.D. You’re a man after my dad’s heart. He died in 2006 at age 96. He was a master at using common sense to solve problems like you, and this week’s post gave me a warm memory of him.

    He didn’t have a ranch, but he alway planted a garden. He collected rainwater in barrels that he used to water his garden. He stressed how much better it was than the other water. Plus it was frugal and practical.

    Love Psalm 42:1. Thank you.

    1. Wow! What a complement Ms. Candyce. I suspect we share many common lessons from our two dad’s ma’am. Sounds like they grew up in much the same way; and did the same raising us. Did your dad insist you shared something new you learned each day with him? I hated that as a young “know it all” teen, but I look back on it now and realize he was instilling in me the same love for learning and discovery that he had. I’m glad I brought you a happy memory ma’am. We all need more of those these days. God’s blessings sweet lady.

  5. Science, Scripture and common sense! Your writings never fail to teach me something new (I have been thinking about implementing a rain barrel for my small herb garden for those dry seasons) Never knew about the nutrients in storm clouds. Now I know how and why. I love the way God connects scripture with every day life, especially the storms of life. Well done, J.D. Thanks for inspiring me once again.

    1. Amen! Isn’t it just like God to use storms to enrich our live the most Ms. Kathleen? I loved how He reveals Himself to us through His natural world and the study of His word. It’s as though He orchestrated all of it to give us a lifetime of exploring and learning. Oh wait! He did! 😀 “Oh, how He loves you. Oh, how He loves me… ” Have a blessed week my friend; and thank you so much for commenting.

  6. What a refreshing post, sir! Loved the science lesson. As I read your message, a rumble of thunder mutters outside. I’m hoping, praying for much needed rain. I expect you are as well. But like you, I am blessed with our Lord’s living water that refreshes and renews us continually, especially when our spirit is going through a dry spell. Thank you for sharing this inspiring message.

    1. I pray you got that much-needed rain. I’ve gotten through a major armyworm infestation this week, and am hoping God will bring us some rain through the weekend and next week to try and help the pastures recover. I lost my Sudan grass crop completely, but if the Lord’s willing, we can get a little of the Bermuda grass to return. Otherwise, I’m feeding hay early this year I’m afraid. Thank you so much for your insights and encouragement my friend. God’s blessings.

  7. Another wonderful post, friend, and such an encouragement. Thank you for sharing a bit of the science behind rain and nitrogen. Sometimes storms lead to blessing.

    Peace and grace,

    1. Indeed they do Ms. Tammy. God reminded me of that this week in another farming challenge. While He chose not to withhold the winds so I could treat with an insecticide, He instead brought hundreds of birds to my pastures who proceeded to eat the worms for a couple of days. While I had to wait to spray, I believe God wanted to hear me praise Him for solving my problem His way rather than being unsatisfied that He didn’t answer my prayer the way I wanted Him to. Another good lesson there, with a different kind of storm my friend. 🙂

  8. Good one, JD.

    Another perspective crossing my mind refers to heat exhaustion and heat stroke, both occur from dehydration. Winter can dehydrate anyone with its low humidity and lack of sweating to remind us to drink.

    Watering with the Word is critical to stop drying up and losing our healthy status.

    Thanks for the reminder in the August heat in SC.

    1. Amen Mr. Warren! Well said my friend. I’ve been thirsty in both temperature extremes, and suffered a heat stroke many years ago in the military. We must stay hydrated, both body and spirit, to avoid potentially deadly circumstances sir. Again, amen! And thank you. 🙂

  9. Love this truth: “I can drink from the well of living water that is stored up within me.” To consider the fact that I have an eternal spring of life from which to draw from and satisfy what my soul REALLY needs is amazing. God is good! Grateful for this powerful post, JD!

  10. J.D., I always learn something new from you. I didn’t know about lightening affecting the quality of water. I want to drink God’s refreshing water that comes from His Word and His Spirit.

  11. Like everyone else, J.D., I’m impressed and blessed with the science lesson–really didn’t know that thing about the thunderstorm rain being more nourishing. That’s a little nugget I hope to get to share at some point and will happily give you credit. But the most encouraging element of this piece for me was the reminder that dry spells are going to come. Your reminder to be prepared for them is God’s gift to keep us from unnecessary misery and regret down the road. Thanks, my friend–love the lessons.

    1. They absolutely do Mr. Ron. I think a key is our being prepared by storing up God’s word. Will we need it in the midst of a storm? Perhaps. Will we recall and rely upon His word as we make decisions in our everyday lives? I too pray so my friend. Thank you for your always-encouraging support sir. God’s blessings.

  12. Thanks so much for this great post. I knew rainwater was better for the garden than “hose water,” but didn’t know why. Very enlightening. We are blessed when we hunger & thirst for righteousness with the promise of being satisfied/filled. The Living Word & Yeshua’s living water never runs dry. You’ve given such a good illustration.

    1. Thank you Ms. Dottie. I love it when I can share things that God has taught me, or directed me to learn. I had wondered why years ago my pastures were always so much greener after a storm. There was a definite spiritual lesson in there my friend.

  13. I always learn new and helpful information with your posts. I didn’t know how much better the rain water is during a thunderstorm as compared to a soft rain. Wow! So interesting. And, of course, I really enjoyed your analogy of going to God’s storehouse to nourish our thirsty souls. A satisfaction quaranteed!

  14. Great message and reminder for us all JD.
    Cows need almost enough water in the winter months as they do in the summer. The Spring and the Fall (when it rains well) provide most of the animals water through the succulent plants they eat.

    1. Yessir. Like us humans, cattle need steady hydration too. During this past winter’s hard freeze, my cows had to drink snow to get a drink because all the water treatment plan couldn’t pump water and the pond was frozen.

  15. Another great post and life lesson, brother J.D. I was aware that rainwater greens up the grass and fluffs up the flowers, but I never knew why until now. May we gather up God’s heavenly rain in our barrels, drink deeply, and never thirst again!

  16. The old hymn says, “Mercy drops around us are falling, but for the showers we plead.”
    We aren’t even getting “mercy drops” from the sky in So. California, and water rates are rising. “Drought” is the word and restrictions is the operation.
    So thankful that the refreshing water of the Word is not restricted by God. Oh, that I take a deep deep drink as often as I can.

  17. I was sure I had left a comment but maybe I didn’t hit Post. Oh well, sorry for my later-than-usual tardiness. Will I ever get back on top of my game? It is certainly a sign that my “dry” writing season has passed!
    Hey, bring your buckets to Alabama. We’ve got more rain than we know what to do with. Some of it is good thunderstorm rain, too. How interesting. God has a plan for everything. Gotta love it!

    1. It doesn’t matter when the comment arrives Ms. Karen, as I always enjoy and appreciate your comments ma’am. And yes, you’ve gotten a “bumper crop” of rain this year, but I hope not too much. Praying safety from the coming storms my friend.

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