Where Do You Look for God?

“Be still and know that I am God.” (Psalm 46:10, NKJV). These are the words that came to me one Thursday morning while driving to my client’s offices up in Utah. Staring out the window, trying to deal with the daily traffic reconfiguration through the work zone, I couldn’t help but notice the beauty that lay before me. There were the Wasatch mountains, with the Great Salt Lake off to my left, and the desert beyond it. I couldn’t help but stare out at the beauty of God’s creation—alive with its greens and browns and grays.

This particular morning I remember asking God to guide me in how I was to get everything done needing to be completed before I returned home. And as He has always done, He answered. On this day, He answered in spectacular fashion. Driving toward my turnoff to go to Hill Air Force Base, God revealed Himself to me in the form of the most spectacular sunrise I have ever seen. That morning, I watched as a bright white light welled up behind the mountain pass and emerged between two peaks with such radiance that it literally caused me to gasp.

Not the bright orange ball that we so often see at sunrise, but a peaceful yet ever so strong brilliant white light. As if this amazing sight wasn’t enough, the F-16 fighter jets screaming overhead were suddenly silent; in fact there was no road noise, no traffic, not even the radio. Without question, I knew that this was a heavenly light.

I’ve seen many sunrises and sunsets in my life, and I can’t think of any two that were identical. This always reminds me why I call God the “Painter of all life”; as he has an endless palette from which He draws. All I heard was my heart saying; You seek me, yet I am with you always. Somehow over the years, I’ve forgotten that as a Christian, I am commanded to be a beacon of Christ’s love.

I am directed to be a disciple for Him with whom others see the example of perfection that Jesus gave us during His time here on Earth. I’m far from perfect, and will never achieve that goal in in this life. Yet, I pray that when the Day comes, I hear these words; “Welcome home my child, In you, I am well pleased.”

What struck me on that hectic, thought-filled morning was how I fail to recognize God in my surroundings every day. And worse, how I fail to praise Him and thank Him for being such a steadfast presence in my life. I’m grateful God loves me enough to gently remind me of His love, caring, and presence in my everyday life. I think God takes great delight in showing up when we least expect it. James 4:8 says; “Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.”

So how can we draw near? Share on X

The quick answer to this question is Trust. The key to finding God requires us to take the first step. We have to make the decision to seek Him with our hearts, our minds, our words, and our actions every day. As Moses stated in Deuteronomy 4:29; “But from there you seek the Lord your God, you will find Him if you seek Him with all your heart and with all your soul.” To do that, we must trust God enough to invite His presence into our lives each day. We must trust Him to guide us throughout the day.

God’s blessings,



Please join me each Thursday evening at 9:30 Eastern as host Coach Mark Prasek and I take a trip Around the Cross-Dubya on PJNET TV. We discuss this week’s blog post, offer insight about the lessons learned, and enjoy the fellowship of friends in the live chat room.


44 thoughts on “Where Do You Look for God?”

  1. JD, I like your version of Thomas Kinkaid brand (Painter of Light). He is a painter, sculpture, creator of “all life.” We can’t spend enough time seeing His masterpieces that greet us each day!

  2. Oh J.D. I wholeheartedly agree and I think we have to try (as hard as it may seem) to slow down and pay attention. He’s always speaking but we are not always listening. At least I am not. Thank you for another wonderful reminder.

    1. I almost think I hear God daily Ms. Ann. “Slow down child, come spend a few minutes with me so you’ll day can go smoother.” Yes indeed ma’am; we must each make that choice daily. God’s blessings ma’am.

  3. Oh my goodness! I worked on a devotion that included the James 4:8 verse just yesterday. And today, I encounter your devotion and one other with the very same focus. Seems God is trying to get my attention.

    Thank you for the insight you share and the faith you live.

    1. I love it when God brings us together to echo His messages for the world Ms. Candyce. I’ve seen several posts this week that encourage us to slow down and seek His presence. I’m right there with you my friend; it’s time to listen.

    1. Amen Ms. “Mimi”! Amen! We must seek Him in all things my friend. Am learning that when I seek Him first my life goes much more smoothly. Keep seeking His path my friend.

    1. Yes! I love how God’s word validates itself my friend. So many different places in scripture; written by very different people, sometimes centuries apart, reminds us that God does not change. His love for us is enduring. With all our hearts my sweet friend.

  4. JD, another life giving post. I loved “The key to finding God requires us to take the first step. We have to make the decision to seek Him with our hearts, our minds, our words, and our actions every day.” First steps as we see in babies are often the hardest, but we need to do it and trust as we do. Thank you.

    1. Such an important point Ms. Marilyn. God is always near, but He is not an intrusive God. He waits for us to invite Him into our lives my friend. Thank you for adding to our conversation.

  5. J.D., that sunrise sent from heaven. Wow! How He speaks to us. So glad you were tuned in that morning. Like you, I want to shine that heavenly light. This world is challenging. Life is hard. But He is near if we seek Him like Moses said. Thank you, brother. May God continue to bless you with manna to feed us.

    1. That morning in 2014 is one that I will never forget Ms. Julie Ann. I was consulting on a program pursuit at Hill Air Force Base, dealing with topics like ICBMs and speaking with (and sometimes writing for) astronauts and physicists. As you might imagine, a cattle rancher and farmer from north Texas felt a but out of his league and overwhelmed by the enormity of the situation. Isn’t it wonderful though how God loves to show up just when we start feeling overwhelmed? He’s always there to remind us that “If He leads us to it, he’ll lead us through it.” We’re never truly alone if we remember to seek Him are we ma’am? God’s blessings my friend.

  6. Your description of God as the “Painter of Life” is beautiful. I, too, seem to overlook the beauty in my rush to accomplish daily work yet what I long most to do is linger in His presence.

    Thank you for these words. They are a reminder of what is most important, friend.


    1. You are most welcome Ms. Tammy. I think we all sometimes let the world get in our way and cloud our vision. Here on the Cross-Dubya, I find it much easier to seek Him each day, as often it’s just me, God, and Bubba the chocolate lab out there in His creation. So pleased you enjoyed ma’am.

  7. Edwina Cowgill

    He is an artist whose palette covers the world! His beauty surrounds us and I, for one, miss it sometimes. But when I do take time to notice, and be thankful, it’s a marvelous revelation of His love.

  8. Yvonne Morgan

    I love all your thoughts but especially liked the one of how God likes to surprise us when we are not expecting it. I think that is so true. Like you, I find so many of His surprises in nature but I must take the time to look and be in His presence. Thanks for sharing.

    1. I am so very glad you do take that time Ms. Yvonne. More of us need to ma’am. If we did, I think this world would be very different. God’s blessings my gentle friend.

  9. Such an awesome experience with that sunrise, J. D., one that only God’s presence could pull off. Yes, too many times, we fail to see God working in the mundane moments of our lives and need reminding of His glory and grandeur to once again turn to the ordinary with thanksgiving.
    Wonderful post, my friend!

    1. “But God” my friend. We have so many moments in our lives when we can apply that phrase. Be that our children and grandchildren, our spouses, and this wonderful, beautiful world that God created just for us. When the bluebonnets are blooming in all their splendor, and the clover, vetch, and other grasses are alive with color, I am reminded that God didn’t have to do all this. He did it because He loves us. God’s blessing ma’am; and hope you’re having a wonderful Spring Break with the family this week.

  10. JD, I love to see your email pop up. I just sat down on my porch for a quiet moment after a long day at the office. I read this and was reminded to slow down and see God. I enjoyed the evening light on the trees and said a prayer of thanks for your message.

    1. Such kind words. Thank you very much Ms. Louise. I’m so glad you enjoyed this and other posts ma’am; and know you look forward to reading them each week drives me to try harder ma’am. Thank you again for your kindness. God’s blessings ma’am.

  11. Oh, amen to this! I especially loved: “we must trust God enough to invite His presence into our lives each day.” He does not disappoint, does He? Beautiful post, J.D.

    1. Thank you so much Ms. Dottie. I’m so glad you enjoyed ma’am. You know a lot about seeing the beauty of God’s world all around us. You share it with us each Saturday morning ma’am. Shalom Rav sweet friend.

  12. Where do I look for God? He gave me some revelation of His presence some years ago when I started writing devotions for Christiandevotions.us. Thanks for the reminder I should remember all those little places where my big God manifests. You’ve blessed us again, sir.

    1. I’m never surprised at the places I find God awaiting me anymore Mr. Warren. 🙂 Isn’t that a wonderful knowledge to have? Have a blessed day sir; and thank you so much.

  13. The short answer, of course, is that we see God everywhere we look. But there’s just something so special about sunrises that really reminds us of His power and majesty. Nature is such a reflection of our God’s infinite wisdom, planning, creating–who else but God could have created this amazing world in which we live. Thank you for reminding us that our response to His power, grace, wisdom, and love is to trust.

    1. Yes ma’am! I often watch the sunrise and utter Psalm 30:5, “… joy comes in the morning.” And sometimes, it seems, the night can last for days, weeks, or months, but we have to remind ourselves that even on the cloudy day, the sun will rise. And I thank God each day that His Son has risen! God’s blessings Ms. Katherine. I loved how your post this week was sunrise-related too ma’am. God is certainly speaking to us and through us isn’t He ma’am?

  14. Jeannie Waters

    Thank you, J.D. , for sharing your experience. When I allow tasks to overwhelm me, I need reminders the Prince of Peace is beside me.

    1. You are always very welcome Ms. Jeannie; as I try to always be grateful for your grace-filled words my friend. Love sharing our lives in Christ together ma’am. God’s blessings.

  15. J.D., love your term, “Painter of all Life.” Since I was a little girl, the sky, especially sunrises and sunsets, have mesmorized me. My mom notes my words, “Look at the boot-ti-full sky.” 🙂 So glad He gives us these heavenly moments and heavenly lights to draw us closer to Him. I pray to seek Him with a whole heart!

    1. I pray you seek Him with your whole heart too young lady; for when we invite Him into our lives, they can’t help but get better. 🙂 Thank you for your “boo-ti-full” comments my sweet friend. God’s blessings and have a great week ahead.

  16. Lovely post, J.D. God is indeed the “Painter of all Life.” We can see His hand as He paints the sky, the clouds, the night with shining stars. Spring is full of fresh colors to drink in and enjoy. May we always invite Christ into each day and rejoice in His beautiful creation.

    1. I’ve often wondered how anyone can look at this amazing natural world all around us (all of creation) and not believe there is a God and that He loves each of us. Thank you for adding to our conversation Ms. Karen. God’s blessings ma’am.

  17. Once again, J.D. you brought more than academic doctrinal affirmations into our hearts and minds. You wrapped your world in your words and brought it into ours, complete with its sights and sounds and feelings. I love the way you not only show us what you see and hear in the world around you. You unlock those inner chambers where God communes with you and you invite us in. That way, we get to experience that He intended in whatever He allowed you to see. You write in 3-D, my friend, and I join your other fans in praising God for allowing us into your world. I also really enjoyed your added exposition of this on PJNet last week–and thanks again for the gracious comments.

    1. I again find myself praying what has become “familiar words” after reading comments from our community of friends and followers; “Lord, help me to become the writer and man these folks think me to be.” I’m both grateful and moved by your encouraging words Mr. Ron. You implore me to reach farther and to serve Him more each week. Thank you for your inspiration sir.

  18. Just looking at the photo of that sunrise stirred my heart. I can only imagine experiencing it. Even though God is always with us, He knows we are not always in touch with Him. I suppose that is one of the reasons He often tells us to “seek Him.” I find such joy seeking Him in the ordinary that quickly manifests itself as extraordinary!

    1. It was something indeed Ms. Karen. This happened in 2014; and I remember what that moment felt like as though it was yesterday. It’s always such a blessing when God comes close.

  19. It’s good to take time to recognize God at work in my surroundings and in my life. Unfortunately, I haven’t done it often enough. This year I’m using a section of my calendar planner to write down some of these special moments to remember His many blessings.

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