Lost in His Footprints

I often tell folks, “If you need proof of Numbers 22:21-39, then just read one of my posts, articles, or books. God can and will use anyone He chooses.” Among the greatest blessings received from my Christian writing are the things God prompts me to write about and the feedback I get from readers. This post is about the latter. In January 2020, I was left in tears of conviction and praise by a response received from one of my readers. Mr. Ben Cooper, from rural Pennsylvania, commented on my post, My Missions Field – J.D. Wininger, Christian Author. I’ve felt the impact of his words ever since.

His comment included these words; “I pray my foot prints are lost inside of His.”

Like most, when I read these words my mind went to the popular poem “Footprints in the Sand”, attributed to Margaret Fishback Powers. I also remembered the story of Enoch (Genesis 5:24 & Hebrews 11:5), who was the first man raptured into heaven. As much as the thought of being swept up to meet my Savior in the clouds filled me with anticipation, the thought of being so close to God saddened me. My sadness came from recognizing how far the footprints of my life can be from God’s path sometimes.

As I thought and prayed about it, I felt a burning desire to be so close to God that others couldn’t tell where He ended and I started. That’s when a quote from Reverend Dr. R.C. Sproul came to mind. “To live Coram Deo is to live one’s entire life in the presence of God, under the authority of God, to the glory of God.”[1] Coram Deo, to live out my life before the eyes of God. Do I do that today? Could I even do that? Sometimes the hardest questions to answer are the ones we ask ourselves.

Thinking about how I might achieve a closer walk with God, James’ word screamed out in my subconscious. “Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded” (James 4:8, NKJV). Perhaps the secret to learning to live Coram Deo is to seek God throughout your day; rather than sitting aside time to focus on Him. Instead, invite Him to walk along with you throughout your day. To accomplish this in my day, there are two things that help me.

The first is to look for God in my “every day.” What I mean by this is increasing my awareness of Him in my life. I hope to hear His still, small voice as I listen to the wind in the trees. Quieting myself, I listen for His voice as the songbirds sing out His praise. Other times, I look for Him in the smiles, and in these the days smiling eyes, of folks I run across.

The second way I draw closer to God is my communication with Him. It might be easier for me to do this, as I live on a ranch and spend more time alone than most. During my chores, as I write, and even when I’m shopping, etc., I’m not afraid to speak to God. All the cow butts present and accounted for at feeding time? Thank You Lord for protecting my herd overnight. Did I find toilet paper at the market today? Yay Lord, You provide my family’s needs. Thank You for Your provision.

I’m certain my more public outbursts cause folks to wonder about this old fool, but I’m not ashamed to let folks know that God is with me. In fact, it’s important to me that people know I view Him as my friend and companion. Yes, God is my Master and Creator, but He is also the One who sticks closer than a brother (Proverbs 18:24). While I fear God, it is His great friendship that allows me to draw closer with each passing year.

My friend and fellow Christian author, Mr. Kenn Edwards, often speaks of building a footprint for God. Mr. Kenn refers to creating a lasting legacy of godliness that we can pass onto those generations behind us. In reading his books, taking part in his group studies, and speaking with him, I’ve realized how my walk with God creates this legacy—both here on earth and in heaven.

When you arrive in heaven do you also long to hear 'Welcome home old friend'? Share on X

Like each of you, I pray that one day I’ll hear the words of Matthew 25:23 spoken over my life upon my arrival in heaven. More though, I pray my Lord will welcome me as His longtime friend. As someone who has returned home from a long journey. I hope you too are looking forward to the day that we can look back on our lives and see more single sets of footprints than divergent paths.

God’s blessings,

Please join me each Thursday evening at 9:30 Eastern as host Coach Mark Prasek and I take a trip Around the Cross-Dubya on PJNET TV. We discuss this week’s blog post, offer insight about the lessons learned, and enjoy the fellowship of friends in the live chat room.



[1] Sproul, R.C., In the Presence of God, Nashville, Thomas Nelson, 1999

52 thoughts on “Lost in His Footprints”

  1. J.D. This message is beautiful. Once again, you have touched my heart and soul with your words. God is using you as a vessel to shine His light and love to others. I appreciate the dedication you have to sharing His love. Have a blessed week! 🙂

  2. JD what a beautiful and powerful post and a convicting one. This morning I read from Paul Tripp’s book–My Heart Cries Out– that every storm is a parable teaching us something. My response was -yes to run to His sheltering arms. But you point out in Sproul’s quote-
    “To live Coram Deo is to live one’s entire life in the presence of God, under the authority of God, to the glory of God.”[1] Coram Deo, to live out my life before the eyes of God.” if we do that we don’t have to run–we are already there. Blessings as you continue to encourage us.

  3. Like you, J. D., I find myself talking to and giving thanks to God throughout my day. No, it isn’t just a set aside time of prayer and reflection, it is a continuing process in my life. May my footprints be swallowed up in His.
    Blessings, my friend!

    1. Aww… thank you Ms. Martha Jane. I know this may not sound right to everyone, but I’m addicted to spending time with God. When I’m away too long, I have withdrawal symptoms. 🙂

  4. Beautiful, thank you. I pray I can walk closer to God every day. Blessings to you for all you are doing.
    Praying God will be with us all in these trying days.

    1. Indeed Ms. Joyce. We as Christians are under increasing pressure I think. Many of us are realizing we’re not where we need to be with God. The time is now sweet friend. I’ll be praying along with you each day.

  5. This is so lovely, friend. I do long to be called “friend” and, even more, “daughter”. I feel as though I’m still learning to follow in His footprints and still have so much to learn. Oh, that He will know my heart!

    Peace and grace,

  6. Raymond E. Pote

    The thought you present of being lost in God’s footprints has set my mind to start going in all directions. I am sure it will be with me for some time.

  7. Love your metaphor of being so close to God that our footprints are not distinguished from His. Oh! To be so close to our Lord! That’s my goal, too, my friend, although I feel sadly inadequate to achieve it. Of course the key is to keep trying…right? Thank you for inspiring us to stay on path with Jesus. Wishing you blessings on the journey, my friend.

  8. Very intriguing title and the post lives up to its name! I enjoyed this immensely as just today I’m working to finish a devotion on footprints – but with a totally different slant and take away.

    A book I enjoyed several years ago was “The Practice of The Presence of God” by Brother Lawrence. I feel prompted to re-read it after reading this. Thank you!

  9. Just perfect. Expresses my heart better than I could. I love keeping that picture of my footprints lost in His. I read somewhere that when two people walk closely after a short time their hearts sync together in unison. I often think of that and pray it to be so as I am walking on a trail or just through a store and knowing He is always with me.

    1. Oh, how I love that thought Ms. Ann; so close that our heartbeats are synched. More, in my mind, I imagine that mine becomes Christ’s heartbeat in my body one day. You just made my day ma’am. Thank you so much!

  10. This is beautiful–and so true. Thank you!
    We lived on a dairy-grain farm for more than 20 years and you speak to my heart. Like you, I’m seeing Him and thanking Him all day, everywhere, and it adds such grace to my life. He is with us every minute, wherever we go. He IS good. I, too, pray that my footprints will be lost in His.

    1. Amen Ms. Lenore. We farmers and ranchers are blessed to live a very different life aren’t we ma’am. Thank you so much for your contribution to our conversation. Please come back ma’am. God’s blessings.

  11. “Sometimes the hardest questions to answer are the ones we ask ourselves”

    Are we asking ourselves the tough questions?

    Your words have got me thinking JD – thank you Brother

  12. J.D. There are just as many times your words on PJNET or in your blog draw me up short. I appreciate the brotherhood of believers that we share. We get off the path and things said my others help to draw us back, near to the heart of God. The Christian life requires a band of believers working together to accomplish what God wants. I am thankful for getting to know you, Kenn, Coach, and others more over the past year and may God continue to permit us to challenge each other to carry out the work He has for us to do.

    1. Absolutely Mr. Ben. And thank you for always being willing to listen, pray, counsel, and share my friend. It’s that fellowship we have within the body of Christ that makes each of us stronger. Together, we can achieve so much more for God’s kingdom. Good words my friend. Thank you!

  13. A sweet post again, and convicting. Amazing that my kids’ Sunday School lesson this week is on Romans 10. One of the later verses says, “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring the Gospel.” Earlier the chapter talks about “confessing with our mouths the Lord Jesus, as well as believing in our hearts.” Thanks for the look ahead and above.

    1. Amen Ms. Karen. It’s so important to remain connected to the “true vine” my friend. I think that is Satan’s biggest goal is to distract us from our task of bearing fruit so that God (the vinedresser) will run out of branches to prune in our spiritual lives. What he fails to comprehend is that the vine will not let of us when we are truly connected to Him. Good word ma’am; thank you so much.

    1. Thank you Ms. Stephanie. Your encouragement and support means so much ma’am. And yes, Mr. Ben and so many others who visit us, support us, and share this Christian life with us, are such a blessing. I often thank God for giving me so much more than I deserve. I pray daily He can use me in His service to help someone in their journey in faith. God’s blessings ma’am.

  14. Oh, J.D., what a heartfelt message. It reminded me of a classic book of Christian literature from over 400 years ago – The Practice of the Presence of God by Brother Lawrence. That is the goal, isn’t it? That we would forever live in His presence, to walk with Him and worship Him. For now, we aim to See Him more clearly, Love Him more dearly, & Follow Him more nearly. (@SeeLoveFollow) This one was right on point.

  15. Good words, JD. To live in Christ, to live a life in prayer does not mean we have to prayerfully thank our creator with each step or breath we take. It means to thank God throughout the day, unceasing, for the steps or breath He has made possible, ie, toilet paper on the shelf at Walmart. Thank you for sharing your thoughts, brother.

    1. Exactly Mr. Monty. As my daddy used to say, “We can’t be so heavenly minded that we’re no earthly good.” Your comment reminded me of that. Yes, we must stay in constant contact with our Father, but we must live in this world for a while longer. While we’re here, our job is to shine His light into it. 🙂

    1. That’s a wonderful way to get through each day Ms. Robin. Folks will be amazed where they’ll find God when they just look for Him. 🙂 I’m with you when it comes to animals teaching us. I think every day, one of them will teach me a lesson; or at least remind me of one of the spiritual gifts I need to develop more.

  16. So often we feel less than worthy because we don’t get it right in our own eyes. We didn’t read the Word long enough, sit in prayer long enough, thank the Lord for all His blessings in just the right way or often enough. But the simplicity of connecting with the Lord every moment, in all circumstances, is the key. Thankful for small things that may seem unimportant in the bigger picture. He walks along side of us in everything we do if we just take the time to recognize it. Thank you for blessing me continuously with your writings. They bless me profoundly!

    1. Aww Ms. Cindy; you humble me ma’am with your words and heart for God. I don’t think any of us should ever feel worthy, because the truth is “We’re Not!” We are made worthy in God’s eyes by our belief in His Son. It is the justification for our salvation, the ransom paid for our souls, that extends Christ’s worthiness to us. Amen ma’am. Thank you so much for adding such insight and value to our conversation.

  17. Your words always inspire and humble me. I am ever so thankful God, my Friend, my Lord, my constant companion, my Rock, my Guide, and so much more is ready and willing to listen to my calls of desperation, my need for direction, my praise, and so much more.

  18. I’m so thankful for God’s daily blessings. In the past couple of days, I’ve enjoyed warmer temperatures, sunshine, a sparrow perched outside the window, and a cardinal chirping in a nearby tree. These little things bring joy to my heart. God is good!

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