Much to be Thankful For

As Thanksgiving rolls around each year, many of my favorite life verses come to mind. One of those, I use as a Life Anchor, is “And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.” (Colossians 3:17 NKJV).

I want to take a moment to express my thanks for everyone’s support on this Christian writing journey. Many of you comment on my blog posts, send notes of encouragement and support, purchase books, comment on articles and devotionals I’ve published this year, and share my words through social media. I am encouraged and humbled by your support, kindness, and most of all, your prayers.

Everyone at our Cross-Dubya ranch—Ms. Diane, Bubba the chocolate lab, Magic and Elpis the donkeys, all the cows, the barn cats, a few skunks, and one pesky armadillo—wishes you and your family a very Happy Thanksgiving. Even amid this tumultuous year, we have much to be thankful for.

I leave you with this thought from Pastor Chuck Swindoll; who along with God’s word has taught me to embrace an attitude of gratitude.

Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it.” –Charles R. Swindoll

God’s blessings,

50 thoughts on “Much to be Thankful For”

  1. Blessings to you and Diane. I am thankful our paths have crossed in this writing journey – especially for the gifts your words and the personal encouragement you give. We have so much to be thankful for even in these unprecedented times because we know the One who governs the times and seasons and in that “it is well with our souls”. Happy Thanksgiving!

  2. Stephanie Bekasi

    Brother, you are a blessings and I’m so grateful that God has given us this fellowship while here on earth! Keep looking up! Blessings and Much Love YSIC, Stephanie

  3. And we are extremely thankful for you, sir. You are a great blessing to the writing community and to me. I am grateful for you and your unending encouragement. May the Lord bring blessings to you, Diane, Bubba and all the girls in the field. Happy Thanksgiving to all the creatures, great and small, at the Cross-Dubya!

  4. Lori Ann Hatcher

    Any blessing we are to you and Mrs. Diane, J.D. is multiplied ten-fold back on us. THank you for your encouraging, inspiring, insightful contribution to our corner of the world. Thanksgiving blessings to you!

  5. Happy Thanksgiving to you and Diane! I am thankful for you, J.D.! You are a godly man and encourager to many! Thank you! May God bless you, Diane, Bubba, every cow and bull you raise along with your property and everything you grow. May God keep you healthy and safe! Love you lots! Mike and Stephanie

  6. Tracy Kicklighter

    I don’t comment often enough, but your words and Bible passages have lifted me during difficult times. They have also made me smile and remember how much God has blessed me. Thank you. Your work matters and I do love seeing pictures of your beautiful animals, especially Bubba. Happy Thanksgiving my friend.

    1. Your comments are always welcome my sweet friend, but your friendship is like oxygen. Without it, I don’t exist. God’s blessings Ms. Tracy. May you and your family, and pack, have a blessed Thanksgiving.

  7. And I’m thanking God for you – for the open-hearted honesty in your blogs, for the encouragement you give to me and others, for the exhortation also that you give, that helps keep us pointed to the Lord.
    May He bless you and Diane and the critters this Thanksgiving, and from now until the next one.

  8. Even with all the problems we have in this country at this time God is faithful to see us through it. Thanks for reminding us of all the things we should be thankful for. Wish we could spend Thanksgiving together Jim but the virus won’t let that happen.

  9. Thank you J.D. Your posts are unfailing uplifting and thought provoking and I appreciate all the wonderful revelations you share. I hope you and your family and all those on the ranch have a truly blessed Thanksgiving. Truly we always have much to be thankful for! I am thankful God connected us!

  10. Kathy Collard Miller

    You are very welcome, J.D. And thank you for your support of my ministry. I think every one of us would say you are the King of Support. Happy Thanksgiving!

  11. I thank God for you J.D.! You’re the biggest cheerleader I know and you don’t even wear a short skirt! I’m so glad we met up in the Atlanta airport and that you got us to Enrich despite my help. May God continue to work through you to deliver His Word.

    1. I’m probably the biggest anything you know Ms. Cathy. 😀 And you’re right ma’am, me in a skirt you will never see. LOL Without you and Ms. Dawn, I don’t think we could have ever made it to Enrich. What a blessing it was to share extra time with all y’all. I found more than friends, I found beloved sisters.

    1. I know “It’s Always Something With the Hendersons” my smiley friend, but I think that something is grace, joy, peace, mercy, friendship, fellowship, leadership, kindness, laughter, on and on. Praying a wonderful Thanksgiving for you and your family ma’am.

  12. Your writings have gotten me thru another year, and even brought some peace to me. Thank you for being you. God be with you and Diane, and our prayers will always be with you.

    1. We sure do Ms. Barbara. I look back at this year; and even with the pandemic, social chaos, the lost and deceived people that breaks my heart, I still have so many more blessings than laments ma’am. I’m pretty sure you feel the same way my Korean-based friend. Praying your safety and security until you and Mr. Latta can return safely home. God’s blessings dear friend.

  13. Even though I do not typically comment on posts, I always look forward to reading what you write. It is always inspiring and shared with friends. Thank you for your God-inspired thoughts and being able to articulate them in such a meaningful way. Our Lord’s continued blessings to you and your family and your special farm animals.

    1. Thank you so very much Ms. Cindy. I was so blessed to read your comments this morning ma’am. Reading them right after my morning prayers was like an answer from heaven ma’am. The last item on my prayer list reads “Readers, Writing Friends, Publisher, Agent-to-be, Editors.” I want to always thank God for blessing me with wonderful folks like you who subscribe, read, and encourage me to continue on this journey to honor God. I also pray for those along this journey with me, like you sweet lady, who make this journey so very enjoyable. God’s blessings ma’am.

  14. I’m so glad we connected via the blog world this year, dear J.D. You and your writing have been such a blessing in my life. I love learning something new each time about the Cross Dubya and how it applies to the gospel. Wishing you, Diane, and your many four-footed families a wonderful Thanksgiving season, along with many heartfelt prayers.

    1. The blessing is mine indeed Ms. Karen. To learn and grow from your inspiring posts ma’am has become one of the highlights of my year. God’s blessings gentle friend. I can’t wait for the day you and your family can come visit the Cross-Dubya.

  15. I once had a colleague with whom I shared an office. She kept a little statue or a rock (can’t remember which) on her desk. One day the item went missing. I would have been irate about it–grumbling about thieves or malicious students. However, my friend’s comment was, “Well, I guess whoever took it needed it more than I did.” I was astounded by her reaction, but it evidently made quite an impression on me (since it has been close to 40 years ago). We can’t control what happens to us, but we choose our reaction to any situation.
    I’m thankful for you, my friend.

    1. So very true Ms. Katherine; and funny as it might seem, I’ve long used that saying myself “If someone steals it, they needed it more than I did.” I think your friend might agree that this mindset is an example of what happens in us rather than what happens to us after we’ve found Christ. God’s blessings sweet friend; and thank you as always for all your support.

  16. My apologies. I’m so late in reading this. I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving and that you, Diane, and your extended family of animals have a very Merry Christmas! Blessings to you, J.D.!

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