Trusting with 20/20 Hindsight Faith

I recently won a copy of “In High Cotton”, written by my friend Mrs. Ane Mulligan. Since I had already ordered a copy of this just released novel, I asked Ms. Ane if she would allow me to share a paperback of this riveting novel with my followers. She graciously agreed, so we’ll be selecting one winner from those who comment on this week’s guest blog.

While I don’t read too many novels these days, the intro of her latest book piqued my interest. I’ve read and learned from Ms. Ane’s instructional articles on writing for several years. One thing she taught me is that if you want to write like the masters, you should study their work. Although we’ve yet to meet in person, I consider this dear lady a friend and one of the most encouraging people I know. When I think of Ms. Ane, the poem “Warning” by Mrs. Jenny Joseph always comes to mind. I trust you will enjoy her guest post this week.

Please remember to leave a comment to be entered into the giveaway drawing.

J.D. posted a wonderful article titled “Learning to Trust” in which Elpis had to learn to trust the farriers. I truly enjoyed reading it and learning more about donkeys. Of course, J.D. has a wonderful way with words and tells a captivating story.

Trusting God is the common theme throughout all my books. I guess that’s because it’s one of the most difficult aspects of the Christian life. I mean, here we are on this earth with tasks to accomplish. God gives us talents and grace to do that. But when something disrupts our normal way of life, we freak out.

“God, why didn’t You prevent this? Why did you allow it to happen?” We look for miracles, and a way out instead of help through.

A young widow is raising her little boy on her own. Her husband died before they even knew she was expecting. Then the stock market crashes. Her little boy is kidnapped by his grandfather. How can she find the strength of faith to go on?

Drawing from real life

The above is from my novel, In High Cotton. But I drew from my own life’s darkest moments for Maggie’s emotions. I interviewed friends for their most difficult time of trusting God. A mother whose twenty-one-year-old son was leaving for a three-month missionary tour. He went fishing with his father that afternoon, just a few hours before he was to board the airplane. He slipped on a rock, hit his head, and drowned in three inches of water.

As each story unfolded, one thread was common to all: God showed up in the form of good friends to help them through that dark time. Later, when stories of lives changed began to filter in, the blessings came.

In all my books, I show we can trust God for and in all things. In High Cotton takes place during the Great Depression. I chose to set it in rural South Georgia. Rivers End, a fictional town, lies in sparsely populated, rural farmland. And don’t think lush green crops. Between the boll weevil and cash crops, the land was depleted, and life was hardscrabble, to say the least.

Drawing from my own life

As for me, all my life, I wanted sisters. My brother and I were both adopted. While our childhood was idyllic, I missed having sisters. When I was sixty-two years old, I discovered my birth sisters. I won’t go into that whole story here. You can read it on my website. The point is God showed up. He was faithful with my dreams when I left them at His feet.

When in 1990, I suffered a complete occlusion of the left anterior descending artery (called by the medical profession “the widow maker”) God showed up in the form of paramedics who refused to give up. The continued to defibrillate me until my heart finally responded. That was thirty years ago, and I haven’t had a single episode since.

One would think my 20/20 Hindsight Faith would be 20/20 Faith all the time. It’s not. Like everyone else, I go bonkers when things happen. But not for long. I look back, trace God’s hand, then tell the devil where to get off. I choose to trust God. It’s a conscious choice.

Trusting God through life’s challenges is a conscious choice. Share on X

In my story of Maggie, she didn’t see God stop the bad things. When she wondered where He was, she only needed to look at those “angels” closest to her. He surrounded her with four strong women to help her.

In High Cotton

Southern women may look as delicate as flowers, but there’s iron in their veins.

While the rest of the world has been roaring through the 1920s, times are hardscrabble in rural South Georgia. Widow Maggie Parker is barely surviving while raising her young son alone. Then as banks begin to fail, her father-in-law threatens to take her son and sell off her livelihood—the grocery store her husband left her. Can five Southern women band together, using their wisdom and wiles to stop him and survive the Great Depression?

Available online at Amazon, Target, LPCBooks, and in bookstores.

To read the first chapter free, go to Ane’s website and scroll to the DOWNLOADS

Ane Mulligan has been a voracious reader ever since her mom instilled within her a love of reading at age three, escaping into worlds otherwise unknown. But when Ane saw PETER PAN on stage, she was struck with a fever from which she never recovered—stage fever. She submerged herself in drama through high school and college. One day, her two loves collided, and a bestselling, award-winning novelist emerged. She lives in Sugar Hill, GA, with her artist husband and a rascally Rottweiler. Find Ane on her website, Amazon Author page, Facebook, BookBub, Goodreads, Pinterest, Twitter, and The Write Conversation.

47 thoughts on “Trusting with 20/20 Hindsight Faith”

  1. JD, Thanks for letting Ane share her story behind her new release. How true it is that we lose faith in the moment because things don’t seem to be going the direction we think it should. And when those real trying times come, worry overshadows the help that You provide. Lord help us to see You in every circumstance because you promised never to abandon us!

    1. It’s been my pleasure Mr. Ben. If you haven’t had the opportunity to learn from her yet, Ms. Ane brings a wealth of knowledge about writing and publishing. I can’t think of a single article I’ve read of hers that I haven’t learned something. What joy!

  2. That sounds fascinating and so faith-building! I don’t read novels often but that sounds like one I would definitely read and I will visit your website for sure. One thing you shared is something I find myself doing more and more – especially during this time – and that is revisiting and reminding myself of ALL the times God has been faithful to me and that He never changes so He will do it again.

    1. Amen Ms. Ann. Reminding ourselves of all God has done, and has promised to do, in our lives is a great way to help us get back on track in our lives. Good luck in the drawing ma’am. I’ll announce the winner next Wednesday.

  3. Sounds like a wonderful novel and storyline. One of my favorite lines from the article is this, “We look for miracles, and a way out instead of help through.”

    Thanks for sharing Ane with us!

    1. It sure is Ms. Cherie. There’s been lots of struggles this year for farmers and ranchers. We’re a tough bunch, but being able to lean on our God is sometimes the only thing that keeps us going. Glad you enjoyed the post ma’am.

    1. Me too Ms. Diane. Something we all tend to forget sometimes is that we must choose to trust God in all things. He’s there with us even when the bad things happen. No greater friend ma’am. Thanks so much for commenting.

  4. Your book sounds wonderful! I can relate to your comment of 20/20 Hindsight faith. We are all guilty when it comes to remembering God’s faithfulness to us and ours. Sharing with others or journaling can boost our faith as well as others’. Faith is different for everyone, but we must make it a conscious effort. Thank you for your thoughts and encouragement.

    1. Thanks you for commenting Ms. Stephanie. With your book, “The Jewels of Hebrews” coming out soon, we’ve missed your wisdom and insights my friend. I love the idea of keeping a gratefulness journal.

  5. God continues to amaze me with all His blessings. In tough times and in good times, His love surrounds us and provides a place of comfort. Thank you for sharing about Ane Mulligan and her stories. 🙂

  6. Oh no….what did Boone do to Dixie Lynn? Even as a friend, everything sounded like a date! She seems to know something about the Senator. A riveting first chapter!

  7. Sounds interesting. I don’t read much fiction, because I feel that I have so much to learn about my Savior and Lord, Jesus. But, this book sounds like it has a powerful lesson to be learned. Hoping in Him to help us get through the hard times, not a miracle to get us out of it. We need to go through the fire and Hope to meet Jesus there!

    1. I’m with you Ms. Carla. That’s one of the nice things I’m discovering about Christian Fiction though; some have great writing with an underlying faith message that doesn’t clobber you over the head at the same time. I hope you’ll explore this genre also ma’am. I’ve enjoyed discovering it, as sometimes I just feel like reading something that gives me a vicarious experience without dealing with all the mayhem and smut you find in many works of fiction.

    1. Thank you for commenting Ms. Gail. Am looking forward to finishing Ms. Ane’s book in the next week or so. I’m sure you will enjoy it also ma’am. Good luck in the contest ma’am.

  8. What a beautiful weaving of the personal and aspects of your new book. For those of us facing struggles (and who doesn’t?), your message today is such an inspiration. We all need a spark of hope. Thank you J.D. and Ane for sharing. Wishing you joy and blessings.

    1. I enjoyed Ms. Ane’s post also. Surprised to learn we’ve both survived our “widow maker” events in the past. I love how our different writing styles carry the same message of trusting God. Together, we each use the unique talents God has blessed us with in service to His kingdom. Thanks so much for commenting Ms. Katherine.

  9. Thanks, J.D.–I love reading this post by Ane–so well-written! Her book piques my curiosity. As a southern single woman, I can also relate to having nerves of steel. I’m fascinated by the Depression Era–my mother lived through it, and I cherish her stories. A pertinent topic for such a time as this.

    1. I’ve just started reading it myself Ms. Karen. What a blessing so far. Great story, amazing writing. I’m learning almost as much as I’m enjoying. What a mind Ms. Ane has. Almost prompts me to try my hand at Christian fiction one day. What an amazing gift God has given my friend. Good luck in the contest, but if God chooses someone else, I hope a copy finds its way to you ma’am. 🙂

  10. Hey J.D., I’m glad to see you are having some guest bloggers. It’s fun, isn’t it? I can certainly relate to Ane in that I, too, am a “widow maker” survivor that had 100% blockage and a surprise heart attack two years ago. I, too, have had no lingering after effects (other than having to take a handful of pills everyday now). Trusting God seems to have many levels: day-to-day trust for the mundane, spontaneous trust for the unexpected events that occur spontaneously, faithful trust to grow us and watch over us, and of course, that abandoned trust when we lay it all down and no longer try to determine how the outcome will unfold. But in the end, it’s still trust in all of its glorious forms. In the midst of our trust, we continue to obey. I am reminded of the old hymn “Trust and Obey.” “There is no other way.”

    1. That makes three of us Ms. Karen (re: widow makers). I hear you about the pills ma’am; I’m up to 21 per day now, counting extra vitamins to boost my immune system. It’s funny sometimes; I take pills to have to go the bathroom, then at night I take pills to stop going to the bathroom! LOL It’s a crazy life! 😀 I’m so glad you enjoyed Ms. Ane’s post. It came about quite suddenly; and I’m honored to share space with my friends.

  11. God bless Christian novelists. This is an wonderful avenue to reach readers who wouldn’t otherwise consider God, let alone trusting God.
    I’ll never forget our visit to Charleston and seeing the sign on a fancy restaurant – High Cotton. Our guide explained what it meant. I wonder if that idea is a part of your novel as well, Ane.

    1. As I am learning Ms. Jackie. I’ve never given a lot of thought to this genre, but I love your observation. ACFW members are “God’s farmers” too. They plant seeds into the souls of their readers, just in a different way. 🙂 God’s blessings ma’am.

  12. I love Ane’s reminders of how we all struggle in the valleys of life to remember that God never leaves us. While He may not allow us to avoid circumstances, He is always with us to lead us through whatever we face.

    Love this…
    “… God showed up. He was faithful with my dreams when I left them at His feet.” ~ Ane Mulligan

    1. We’re so pleased you enjoyed the post Ms. Tammy, and we hope you’ll enjoy the book too one day ma’am. Ms. Ane always delivers a unique brand of quality writing with Christian-based wisdom in her characters that help us to relate to struggles in our “real lives.” Am so glad you see this too; and yes, when we give our hopes and dreams to Him, He is faithful to answer.

  13. I love historical romance. Having been a single mother for lots of years, I know the importance of faith in God and the ‘angels’ around us. When we stop putting our hopes and prayers in God’s hands, we aren’t able to praise Him for the answers. Thank you for sharing Miss Ane’s book with us J.D. What a blessing you both are.

    1. I didn’t know that about you Ms. Barbara, but it sure makes sense ma’am. I’m sure Ms. Ane and I are both blessed to know you ma’am. Good luck in the contest! God’s blessings my friend.

    1. So pleased you enjoyed Ms. Debbie. Like you, Ms. Ane has a great way of turning a phrase. 🙂 And yes, a good story will stay with us won’t they? God’s blessings ma’am; and hey to Mr. Larry and Strider. Am glad he’s recovered from his snake bite.

  14. Thank you for sharing this, J.D. I’m sure Ane’s book is going to inspire many readers.
    She said, “I go bonkers when things happen. But not for long. I look back, trace God’s hand, then tell the devil where to get off. I choose to trust God. It’s a conscious choice.”
    That statement struck a cord with me —I SO identified! And , of course, I always love it when Elpis is mentioned . : < )
    I enjoyed your post, as always. Thanks.

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