My Song of Surrender

German poet Heinrich Heine (1797-1856) stated “Where words leave off, music begins.” I could not agree more. There’s something about a haunting melody, a well-paced rhythm, and the right harmony that brings words in a song to life. For the past two years, there’s been one particular song that moves me like no other. Good music will set my toes or fingers to tapping, bring a smile, or cause me to sing along while driving, where my voice offends no one. Great songs elicit strong, visceral emotions that stir the soul. Lately, that song is “New Wine” by Hillsong Worship. Every time I hear that song, tears flow.

Some of you may have heard me use the term “Heart Hugs” to describe those special and precious moments when I connect with God. You may recall how they almost always come with tears. I describe those tears as “God squeezing the world out of me.” We don’t always understand how God can use all things He created to speak to us, but I’m certain music is one of His favorites.

Since being called to use my meager talents in this writing ministry, I’ve experienced more personal growth as a Christian than ever before. What is interesting to me is how I view myself as God’s reformation project. Before He can build new character, strength, and faith, He must remove my base, worldly views and habits. To do so requires my surrender. This is where that song comes into play. More often than not, as I sing along to its chorus, the Holy Spirit comes alongside and points out those things in my life next to go.

The more I fight to hang onto them in those moments, the more my tears flow. I didn’t understand this until one day last summer while driving. As the song played, I asked God to help me understand why this song brings about such strong conviction and emotion. It isn’t any better than the thousands of other songs I listen to. In response to my plea, He brought Isaiah 43:19 to my mind.

“Behold, I will do a new thing,
Now it shall spring forth;
Shall you not know it?
I will even make a road in the wilderness
And rivers in the desert.”

(Isaiah 43:19, NKJV)

As they perhaps intended the words of the song to do, they usher me to a state where I am safe, protected, and nurtured. There, I am encouraged to leave the world behind so God can build the next new thing in my life. In the words of the prophet Isaiah, we see God’s eternal promise to His people that encourages them to let go of the past and focus on the glorious future that awaits us. I don’t know what tomorrow holds for my writing career or my life, but I know who holds my future and that’s enough for me.

Who can you trust to move you into your future? Share on X

So during this long season of growing and learning, this has become my “Song of Surrender.” I pray each one of you finds a song, a scripture verse, and God’s promise that moves you beyond this ugly, hate-filled world, and into His arms where you can rest, grow, and become all God intends us to be.

God’s blessings,


46 thoughts on “My Song of Surrender”

  1. J.D. I love both the song, “New Wine” and that Isaiah passage. In my current situation, I’m counting on and looking for that road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.

    Pray the Lord continues to reform you as His project and for your “heart hugs” with Him.

    1. I’m praying each day that He leads you to the path He’s sat for you. It’s not a new path, but one He designed for you before you were born sweet friend. I sometimes wonder how often God shakes His head when I wander away from His path; and I thank Him for always being faithful to guide me back to it. Even if sometimes He has to lead me through valleys to get there. God’s blessings ma’am.

    1. Amen Ms. Stephanie! I pray God is never satisfied with me; that He will always endeavor to pour into me so I might better represent Him in this world. God’s blessings sweet friend.

    1. That’s so sweet. Thank you Ms. Cathy. Am finding that those “Heart Hugs” are becoming a better addiction than Lay’s potato chips. 🙂 The more I get, the more I want and long for them. God’s blessings ma’am.

    1. It certainly all those things Ms. Erin. Thank you so much for your encouraging words ma’am. I pray we continue growing together in Christ as we work to answer His call in our lives ma’am. God’s blessings.

  2. I’m with you, JD. The Lord has used music to minister to my soul with the recent loss of my brother and sis.
    Please know this: I don’t know what the Lord will do in your writing career, but I have no doubt it will be used for His glory. I am drawn closer to the Father with each of your posts.

    1. We all have a trigger that starts our emotions flowing. Mine is when I read 1Corinthians 15:10. But by the grace of God I am what I am and his grace which was bestowed upon me was not in vain. This is my verse. JD do not ever stop writing!!! Your writing is like a river that never stops flowing, cutting new paths in new places

      1. Thank you Mr. Ray. Those are kind and encouraging words sir. I will do my best to never let you down. First Corinthians 15:10 touches me also. To know I am loved that much is such a special blessing. God just wants us to be who He made us to be. I like that thought! God’s blessings sir.

    2. Thank you Ms. Beckie. My heart continues to go out for you and your family through this loss my friend. Know that my prayers continue to lift you up in the season of grief. I too don’t know what God has planned for my writing, but if I bring Him glory, then I will be pleased. I pray each morning that He allow me to do, say, or write something that honors Him and shows His love and light in this darkened world. God’s blessings ma’am.

  3. Good afternoon, J.D. your writing invites us in. Thank you for your honesty and description of God’s merciful convictions. I have preached on this: radical surrender, just a little wont do to become like Him. Have a blessed evening, brother.

    1. Thank you Ms. Julie. You also sweet friend. God wants, and deserves, our all. I try each day to surrender to Him a little bit more. Oh, to become more like Him. I’ll never achieve that in this world, but I want to always endeavor to grow as close to Him as I can.

  4. J.D. hi haven’t heard that song but I can strongly relate to all you share here. There are several songs that affect me in the very same way. One in particular is I Can Only Imagine. Thanks for sharing this wonderful post.

    1. Oh how I love this song also Ms. Ann. Did you watch the movie? I didn’t know that young man had written that about/for his dad. What a blessing that was. Did you know that one of my articles shared a magazine cover with MercyMe last year. And some folks said I would never be famous. 🙂 Well, probably more infamous, but it thrilled me.

    1. Yes ma’am. He sure does. Now I’m pretty partial to the old standard hymns we sing in church most every Sunday morning, but some of the new voices in today’s worship music certainly seem God-inspired. I know they sure talk to me. One of my other favorites is Tommy Walker’s “Speak to Me.” I love listening to it just before I go into my “God time” each morning. It seems to set me in the mood for prayer and reflection.

  5. Your beautiful words inspired me to listen to the song. It makes me realize that even though I endure crushing and pressing without fighting God or attacking others, I often do it begrudgingly. I haven’t fully yielded to give Him the freedom to turn my mush back into whatever He wills. Praying repentance and that He does a “new thing” in my heart today .

    1. I hear ya Ms. Barb. It seems to more I fight to hold onto my worldly ways, the harder God has to squeeze me. It’s wonderful to know that He loves us enough not to let go. 🙂 God’s blessings ma’am.

  6. Good words, J.D I’m going thru a parched time with my mother’s declining health and I’m still recovering from two surgeries. Thanks for sharing from your heart.

    1. Absolutely Ms. PJ. Still praying for your recovery my friend. Caring for family is such a rich blessing, but it is also a great challenge. I just know you are rising to meet that challenge ma’am; in godly love.

  7. As always, good thoughts prevail. You never fail to teach me something new every day, I like “New Wine”, in fact I’ve listened to it quite a bit. However, there is another song by Jesus Culture, featuring Kim Walker-Smith “Walk with Me”. The first time I heard it I stopped everything I was doing and listened as hard as I could to grasp the words. It moved me, and from that time forward the “replay” button is in the “on” position. If you’d like to hear it, just come to my office.

    1. “Walk with Me” is a wonderful song indeed. Am always blessed when I can observe you at your desk with Bible and journal open. Watching your journey is faith these past five years or so is such a blessing to me. To see how God is working in your life inspires me “Little One.”

  8. I wasn’t familiar with that song, so I listened to it before I commented. It is powerful. Yes, we must let go and yield wholly to Him. I’m so glad He keeps working with us – and working us over.
    Behold, He is doing something New!
    Thanks for sharing your heart.

  9. Music truly is therapeutic. It has brought people out of very dark places and to their knees. We each have our “Song of Surrender” and sometimes they get updated depending on what we are going through. When a song speaks the Word, it will surely find a resting place in someone’s heart.
    Isaiah 55:11 “so shall my word be that goes out from my mouth;
    it shall not return to me empty,
    but it shall accomplish that which I purpose,
    and shall succeed in the thing for which I sent it.”

    1. So very true Mr. Ben. I think my “Song of Surrender” has changed numerous times in my life. It seems as though God brings us what we need in each season of life we face my friend. In this season, for me, it’s letting go of the past and allowing Him to bring new things into my life.

    1. You are so kind Ms. Tammy. I do enjoy their worship music. Much of it puts me in a frame of mind that I can open my heart to the Holy Spirit. I think that’s the blessing music brings us.

  10. I love the verse you shared…and like you, I’m so moved by lyrics, melody, etc. My verse for 2020 is somewhat similar to Isaiah 43:19. It too is a hopeful promise that God has work for us to do, and He will make the way: “For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” Eph 2:10
    This reminds me that He has a plan for the desires and gifts He has given me. I need to stop trying to figure it out and just follow.

    1. Yes ma’am. You and me both. I sometimes wonder if I just get in God’s way too much. As the old adage goes, “If God leads us to it, He’ll lead us through it.” We just have to trust and obey. 🙂

  11. How beautiful J.D. I’m God’s reformation project too. I always love the way you express yourself so perfectly. Heart hugs, squeezing the world out of me, so awesome. You’re the best my friend and a true inspiration.

  12. I still remember the song being sung the night I “walked the aisle” to accept Christ. (“Oh Why Not Tonight?”) Songs not only trigger memories, they are often used by God to move us deeper into His love. I thank Him for that! And, I thank you, J.D., for expressing that truth so beautifully!

    1. “For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.” Wonderful words, and wonderful gift, indeed Ms. Jackie. Not sure if you’re up late or I’m up early today, but always wonderful to hear from you my friend.

  13. I have never heard this song, but now I need to go listen! There are a few different songs that stir my soul like you have described here. I love that you prayed and asked God why. That is a beautiful reminder for me to do the same. Thank you!

    1. Ms. Emily, I hope you thoroughly enjoy the song ma’am. It’s lyrics definitely speak to my heart; encouraging me to surrender to the Holy Spirit’s involvement in my life. I’m so grateful you are also attuned to seeking and inviting God’s presence in your life ma’am. May He visit you often. God’s blessings ma’am.

  14. Like you, my friend, music is essential to my life and heart. Sometimes my eyes leak, too! Isa 43:19 always brings me comfort, especially when trials are upon me and I’m struggling to understand. I know it is all part of God’s plan, the “new thing.” His ways are not my ways. Learning to trust.

    1. Know all about those “leaky eyes” my friend. Sometimes it seems they do that at the drop of a hat. Just a sound, or smell. Other times, right in the middle of prayer. Bam! Here come the waterworks. Am learning to smile through them as I too am learning to go with the flow. God’s blessings dear friend. Praying “Peaches” and your entire family has a wonderful week.

  15. I used the same scripture passage of Isaiah 43:19 to close out my book with a comment. We all need to make it our business to go and discover what that “new” thing is. I have discovered mine to be writing! God is helping me understand that more and more.

    1. I am so glad you did Ms. Karen, as I love reading your work and your blog at Once we discover that new thing God calls us to do, and I’ve learned through the years as I suspect you have, it can change, then we must pursue it with all the fervor, passion, and faith we have. In your case, I think of your music and writing ministries. I know for me, writing has become increasingly important in that the more time I spend doing this, the more I want to do it. Hope that makes sense ma’am. 🙂 God’s blessings, and thank you so much for commenting.

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