Layers of Blessings

In June of this year, I was blessed by my inclusion in a Bible Study compilation entitled Feed Your Soul with the Word of God. I was excited to be a part of this wonderful new Bible Study. It was humbling to see my name listed alongside many of my writing friends, some of which I had read long before I ever started writing. Another blessing was how this book allowed me to add another publishing credit to my Amazon and Goodreads author pages.

I’m always surprised when I see my name in a published article or book. Perhaps it’s because I still can’t believe God chose to use me in this way. My greatest satisfaction comes from learning how something I wrote has helped someone in their journey of faith. Each time I read an email, a review on-line, or a statement made, I thank God for allowing me to help bring someone a blessing. What I didn’t realize was that with this book, my blessings were just beginning.

Through the kindness of an amazing young friend, Ms. Katy Kauffman, came another blessing when she took a copy with her to the Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writer’s Conference. While hoping to attend this year, impending surgery prevented my travel. She invited many of my fellow authors to sign that copy of the book for me during the conference. Upon receiving it, I affixed an “Author’s Copy” label to it and gave it a place of prominence in my bookcase. The next morning, I began reading each of the twenty-nine other studies included in this book.

Incorporating them as part of my “God time” each morning, I spent the whole next month, receiving blessing upon blessing, one short study at a time. With each day, I would turn to the next one, run my fingers across the author’s byline or signature, and pray for them. I consider each of them a member of my “Family of Faith” and friend. I may never meet some of them in person on this earth, but I’m certain we’ll be working together in heaven one day.

With each study, I found new insight into the lives of my writing friends, and I came to gain a better understanding of each one. As each layer of blessing arrived through study, learning, and prayer, I couldn’t help but feel overwhelmed with blessings from this book. With each passing day, the blessings built upon the other. About day ten, I realized that, as the book’s title promises, I was feeding my soul with God’s word. Applying the lessons taken from each study will take time, but the nourishment received from each has already begun.

I’ve long incorporated Bible reading into my “God time” each day. The stories in these studies help me see new ways I can apply God’s word in my life. From this exercise, I found a new source of inspiration to help me grow spiritually, my friends’ blogs. They give me layers of blessings as I spend time with friends each morning, reading their thoughts and prayers. Each of my friends’ blog posts are mini stories I incorporate into my daily devotional time. What a wonderful blessing of discovery this has been.

What are some of your favorite ways to Feed Your Soul? Share on X

Each study I read in this book provided a “behind the curtain” peek into some of my writing friends lives. They gave me pause for reflection, and inspiration to want to become the quality of writer so many of these wonderful folks are today. If you haven’t yet discovered the joy that awaits you in Feed Your Soul with the Word of God, Collection 1, I pray you consider ordering your copy today. I hope each one of you who reads this collection of God’s wisdom, mercy, and love finds as many layers of blessings as I did. Click here to order your copy from

God’s blessings,


32 thoughts on “Layers of Blessings”

  1. That Katy Kaufman is amazing! And so are you, J.D. I look forward to feeding my soul with the words from many of my wise friends, and the Word of God.

    I hope you (and your sweet wife) make it to Blue Ridge next year. Blessings, friend!

    1. Ms Katy sure is something Ms. Cathy. I try to learn something from everyone I meet, but God has taught me more through this young lady than any young person I’ve met in my life. And at my age, that’s a lot of young people. I love watching how God is using her in mighty ways. I can’t promise that Diane will make it to BRMCWC, but I’m sure trying to be there. Hope I have the honor of meeting you and Mr. Brian in person. God’s blessings ma’am.

  2. This has been an awesome book and I enjoyed reading your story. I learn more about you with each story and post of your blog, too. Thank you for your prayers, J.D. I am blessed to know you and pray blessings on you!

    1. Ditto Ms. Stephanie. Thank you for allowing us insight into your life ma’am. I love watching how God is using and blessing all my writing friends. Am so looking forward to meeting you and your husband at Enrich next month. Perhaps God will bless me by helping me delete the word “writing” from our friendships. God’s blessings ma’am.

  3. “…as the book’s title promises, I was feeding my soul with God’s word. Applying the lessons taken from each study will take time, but the nourishment received from each has already begun.” This seems like such a wonderful study from these writers, including you, J.D. Looking forward to getting a copy to help feed my soul. Because we “Taste and see that the Lord is good!” (Psalm 34:8)

  4. I’m always moved by the warmth of your posts. Like you, I’m constantly amazed how God works through our fellow writers. The love and friendships found among the Christian writing community is unbelievable. I’ve found brothers and sisters in Christ that I feel so close to–like family. I think you’ve captured that feeling perfectly here. God encourages us through one another, and I include you in that list of people I’m thankful for.

    1. I’m right there with you in the “amazed” part brother. And please know I include you in my prayers daily also my friend. As far as your thoughts on me, I pray God will one day help me grow into the person you think I can be sir. God’s blessings.

    1. Me too. For years, I only read a few “major” ones each day (CBN, David Jeremiah, AGL, etc.). What I’ve found (and it takes me longer sometimes to get to them) is that incorporating blog posts from fellow writers into my daily “God time” really gives me a “real world” perspective on applying God’s word. Much like I did with your “Unexpected Blessings” blog earlier this month day Ms. Melissa. Thank you for always leaving comments; I try and always return the favor ma’am. God’s blessings. And thank you so much for the prayers. I go back to surgeon in just a couple of weeks. I hope to start regaining strength again soon. Range of motion is coming; it’s just a slow process.

  5. J.D., you always seem to find another layer of blessing that I sometimes never think of, and I just love that you found the extra blessing of getting to know more about each author’s life as you read each section. That’s part of what I love about reading all these blogs – we get tidbits of info and insight into the lives of our dear writer friends. Thanks so much sharing and for the reminder to keep searching for layers of blessings – I do believe that’s what God wants us to do in all situations!

    1. Me too Ms. Julie. I think that’s where the layering comes in. As all y’all reveal your lives to me through your blogs, I am learning many of the lessons God is teaching my friends right along with them. My friends have become “God’s teachers”; and I love watching how He is using us as we submit ourselves to His leading in our lives. Not just our writing lives, but our very core and being is being transformed before our eyes. Now that’s a multi-layer blessing! 🙂

    1. OMGoodness Ms. Ann. For someone with such wonderful health and eating tips, your words sure are sweet to these old ears ma’am. I may need extra insulin this evening. Thank you so much for your kindness ma’am. Thank you also for subscribing to my blog. Knowing you trust me enough to be allowed to share a little bit of your world means the world to me ma’am. God’s blessings.

  6. Thank you for making it so easy to order a copy. I just did. Now I’m waiting for its arrival. Hope it comes by October 1st, so I can begin and read for the month. Of course, I will peek ahead and see YOUR devotion. Multiple blessings on you and your writing (and your wife and Bubba and the cows and the cats and the hay and Magic the Donkey and …

    1. You always bring me both laughter and tears (of joy) Ms. Jackie. I pray you enjoy the book; and of God ever sees fit to bring you to TX or me to CA, I’ll bring a pen. I pray more it helps move you to daily time spent in God’s presence my friend. I know it can be difficult to make the time, but it’s worth so much more than anything else I do each day. As for all the blessings for everyone; you just made me happier than a “fly in horse biscuits” ma’am. 😀

  7. What a blessing to have that volume with all of your friends included. I too love when God opens a door of opportunity–and that is just what He did for you, my friend.
    I love to sit with my journal and listen as I read His word in the morning. It is amazing how something will come up later in the day that directly relates to what I read. That is soul food for sure.

    1. Yes ma’am Ms. Jeanne. I love how God uses our every day to help reinforce something He taught us or got us thinking about earlier in the day. Our quiet time with God is so rewarding, in so many ways ma’am. Thank you for commenting.

  8. You are most assuredly one of God’s gifted writers. Your heart spills forth His love, His grace, His goodness, and especially His humility. I’m so blessed to know you as a fellow Christian writer, J.D.

    1. Oh Ms. Karen; that I might one day become that which you see in me ma’am. It’s a tall order for God, but He is our God of miracles ma’am. Thank you for such kindness ma’am. I pray I might one day achieve the lofty goals you list ma’am. God’s blessings.

  9. I, too, have enjoyed a peek inside my writing friends’ lives through their writing. It helps me get to know them, care about them, and better understand how to pray for them. Best of all, it reminds me how big God’s family is. Thanks for the reminder, J.D.

    1. Yes ma’am. My “family of faith”, which now includes you and Pastor David, has grown exponentially these past three years. My spiritual life is richer through the friendships I’ve made. God’s blessings ma’am.

    1. Please know that you and your husband are treasured members of my “Family of Faith” and gathering of trusted writing friends Ms. LuAnn. You blogs, books, devotions, and articles bless my family and me all the time. Thank you so much for adding such value to God’s kingdom through your impacts ma’am. That’s why each of us do what we do isn’t it my friend. 🙂

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