The Texture of Our Words

In April, my friend Mrs. Patty Schell ( published a post entitled Knit One, Purl Two. In it, she pondered how God’s word tells us He created us as she knitted little baby cocoons (chrysalides) for new arrivals in her family later this spring. She spoke about running her hands over the garment as she was creating it, feeling the different textures, etc. My friend also wrote about how she poured prayers of blessing and love into each garment she made. This blessed me as I thought about how wonderfully God made me.

I thought about the words God spoke over me during my creation. His words encouraged me to persevere through all life would bring my way. Picturing His loving hands gently sculpting me into the unique creation He intended, I was lost in a moment of pure admiration for my Creator.

I asked myself if I’m praying enough over the words I use. As both a Christian and writer, the words I choose are important. Whether spoken or written, our words have power. They can bring forth life or destroy. God brought His words in Ephesians 4:29 (NKJV) to mind; “Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers.” This is such a vital life lesson.

Our words must endeavor to build up others. We must encourage those who read or listen to our words to seek God’s grace in their lives. Recently, I posted about my target audience; those to whom I write. When I sit down at my keyboard, I remind myself of Jesus’ words in Luke 5:31-32. Yes, the words I write are read by Christians, but I must also write hoping my words find their way to help lead others to Christ.

While important to use God’s gift of communicating to help fellow Christians, I’m convinced my calling as a Christian writer goes far beyond the confines of the church. I pray God’s help to always let my words bring life. Like my friend Ms. Patty, when I am creating, I must pause from time to time to examine the texture of my words. I must listen, feel, and experience them to ensure they are bound in such a way that brings honor and glory to God.

Do you feel the texture of your words as you weave your story? Do we ask God to direct us as we create His message through us? Share on X

God’s blessings…

28 thoughts on “The Texture of Our Words”

    1. You’re gonna make an old, bald guy cry you know. Thank you for your own gentle and encouraging words Ms. Debbie. Am blessed by your friendship and your devotion to bringing God glory in everything you do ma’am.

  1. Wonderful post. As a writer I often pause in the process and go back over the words I’ve chosen. Do they fit? Do they add beauty? Do they build up? Thank you for reminding us these things are important.

    1. Thank you so much Ms. Patty. It was your words, back in April, that inspired me. Thank you for allowing me to share and build upon your God-honoring idea ma’am. Am so blessed to call you my friend.

  2. Lord, may the words of my mouth, and the mediation of my heart be acceptable in thy sight, O God.

    Thanks for the reminder, J.D. that this should always be our prayer.

  3. Very true, and something I need to remember for I am often “quick to speak.” When writing, be sure (as much as possible) that your words can’t be taken more than one way. When speaking in person, make sure your tone and face reflect what your mouth is saying.
    All these… I surely need work on.
    PS: I’m going to check out Patty Schell’s site!

    1. Great advice Ms. Jackie. Thank you ma’am. Like you, Ms. Patty has become a dear and trusted friend. I get much inspiration from her words; as I do yours my friend.

  4. I just realized, as I read your message, that I haven’t been praying over the words that I write recently. I used to pray before and after every blog post or article. First, that God would guide me as I write and then, that those words might be a witness for Christ and a blessing to the reader. What has happened? I needed this reminder, J.D. Thank you and may God continue to bless you and your ministry of words.

    1. Proverbs 27:17 my friend. As Ms. Patty’s words spurred me to consider the texture of my words, God perhaps used me to do the same for you. If so, I’m honored. I think we all get so busy with trying to grow our platform, communicate with our readers, and just “do life” in general, we forget sometimes to stop and give thanks to the One who provided us with this life and all its blessings. God’s blessings my friend.

  5. So true, JD (and Patty). Our words hold the power of life or death. I want to speak life but in my own power, it’s impossible. I try to pray regularly for discernment in my speech. Thank you for this post! 🙂 Blessings…

  6. I love this, J.D., and I loved her original post. This was my favorite line in your post: “We must encourage those who read or listen to our words to seek God’s grace in their lives.” That should be in the forefront of our minds with everything we write!!! Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thank you Ms. Julie. Helping our readers to find or increase/improve their relationship with God is the whole reason for our Christian writing my friend. I could not agree more about its importance. I believe keeping that at the forefront is key. Am so pleased you enjoyed ma’am.

  7. Not only do your words “find their way to help lead others to Christ,” they also remind and nudge those who follow Christ toward a closer walk with Him.

    Always enjoy your posts!

  8. Our words are powerful! Recently, my Papa passed away, and his words were always positive; even in critique. I want people to remember me, like my Papa, as a man with words seasoned with grace. Thanks for sharing!

    1. They (our words) certainly are Pastor Kevin. Am so very sorry for the loss of your Papa. I pray God fills the hole in your heart caused by grief with joyous memories of your life together. I pray also for that day when I’ll have the honor of meeting you and him in heaven’s glory sir. I pray daily that God guard my mouth and help me to always find the right words for someone else. Amazingly, when I am with Him in prayer, I find I need no words… He knows. God’s blessings sir; and thank you for commenting today.

  9. “Our words must endeavor to build up others.” I couldn’t agree more, J.D. I don’t think Christians realize how much impact their words have on the people around them, both believers and those who’ve never experienced God’s grace. May we all take inventory of our tongue so we can glorify God with every word. Thanks for a great post.

    1. Absolutely Pastor Joshua. As Christians, everything we say and do reflects on our Savior. We can’t take that lightly. I ask each morning for the Holy Spirit to take the reins of my life to take more control over what I say and do. Like a horse, I sometimes ignore His gentle urging and He has to apply the bit, but I pray I always respond quickly. Thank you for your comments sir.

  10. What a rich post about the power of our words. I love being reminded that God spoke words over me while I was knit together in my mothers womb.
    God bless you J.D. for being such an encourager.

    1. Thank you so much Ms. Connie. I love thinking about how God created me. I love imagining how He spoke to me as He worked inside my mother. How He told me what I was being born into, and to not give up because He would protect me even when I thought no one could. How He promised me He would always love me; and how one day I would find my way back to my Father in heaven. I tear up sometimes just thinking about that. As for encouraging my friend, I can only reply with “You get what you give!” I thank God for every reader, writing friend, and brother or sister in Christ who prays for me. I am so very blessed and honored by your words.

  11. Thank you for the post and sharing your heart about the importance of sharing words that encourage and bring others to Christ. Your post reminded me of the parable of the sower.
    “And those are the ones on whom seed was sown on the good soil; and they hear the word and accept it and bear fruit, thirty, sixty, and a hundredfold.””
    ‭‭MARK‬ ‭4:20‬ ‭NASB‬‬

    1. What kind words. Thank you so much Ms. Marcy. We do “sow our words” don’t we ma’am? I never really thought about that but we pour our words into the souls of our readers, just like when I cast seeds into my fields and pastures. We sow, yes; but important to is that we “fertilize” our words with prayer perhaps. God’s blessings ma’am; and thank you for taking the time to comment.

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