A Little Consideration Please

Feeding livestock can be an adventure. I’ve learned to keep my head on a swivel and to never lean over a cow’s head. This morning, Lulu Belle, one of my prized yearlings, decided she wouldn’t wait for me to pour feed buckets into the bunk feeder, she would just help herself. She stepped on my right foot and then brushed me out of her way with her backside. At eight hundred pounds, she goes wherever she wants.

It wouldn’t have been so bad perhaps, had she cleaned herself beforehand. As a practice, I don’t keep TP handy for them. In the springtime, when rich new grasses emerge, cattle have loose bowels. This means you watch where you step and you learn never to stand behind them! You guessed it, before I could free my foot and move out of the way feces covered my right arm. She just kept right on eating. It reminded me of why I go nowhere near stores the last two weeks before Christmas. People, like hungry cows, can be quite rude when going after what they want.

After cleaning myself up before going inside, Diane asked why I was coming in the house in my BVDs. When I explained what happened, she chuckled and promised to do a separate load of my work clothes once I brought them in from the garage. I thought myself considerate. I could’ve just worn my soiled clothing into the laundry room. Then again, Diane could’ve chased me out of the house with a broom handle if I dropped something onto her clean floors.

I wonder what God thinks of our selfishness when we’re going after something we want and inconsiderate of our surroundings? Share on X

After a shower and fresh clothes, I helped get that extra-dirty load in the wash and I finished the day’s chores. Working through the remaining tasks I thought about how inconsiderate my sweet cow had been. That morning, I was just between her and something she wanted more than a pat on the head. She wanted food!

Lulu Belle, like her mother, eats cubes out of my hand; and walks up in a pasture wanting me to scratch her chin or rub her poll. She is almost always good-natured, gentle, and calm. She will make a wonderful mama cow one day. Thinking about those character traits, I smiled to myself as I remembered times being singularly focused on getting what I wanted. They weren’t always what I needed, or what I deserved, but I wasn’t always the most considerate person in the world when I was pursuing my desires either. When I’m in “selfish mode”, my time and my desires are more important than anyone or anything else. I hate it when the Holy Spirit has to point that out to me.

Remembering this made it easier to overlook my cow’s behavior and just chalk it up to life on a ranch. It wasn’t the first time and has already proven not to have been the last. I hope you have a wonderful day everyone; and you have as little crap as possible to deal with in your life today.

God’s blessings…

10 thoughts on “A Little Consideration Please”

  1. Author Terry Palmer

    Seems to me there is a ranch story about two heifers out on fresh green pastures, taking turns, trying to hit a fencepost at 30 paces, with a fresh load of ‘dirt’. Appreciate your story, have been in those stepped on shoes and soiled garments.
    I also wonder at my bad habits, the way I wander and demand. Praise be to God, for His forgiveness as I repent and not repeat.

    1. You and me both Mr. Terry. Am so grateful our God is ready to forgive us when we ask with a repentant heart. Thank you for your comments sir. And yes, if I see a tail start to raise, I move!

    1. You are too kind Ms. Melissa. Thank YOU ma’am for all your encouragement. What a blessing you are. Lulu Belle says “Hey.” Well actually, she says “Hay.” 🙂

  2. When I was much younger (in my teens), one of my chores was to milk a cow (by hand), both morning and evening. There are all kinds of stories I could share about that, but one will do for now. As I was walking back to the house with my pail of milk, the shortest distance had me stepping over a fence. Normally, I have good balance, but that day, I slipped and fell–right into a fresh cow pattie. The milk went flying and I was covered in cow poop. The lesson I learned, of course, was to be more careful, particularly if my taking the “lazy” way was going to cause me to lose the morning milk. Your lesson is more important–let’s be careful we don’t run over others in our rush to be first. As always, I love these lessons we learn on the farm.

    1. Yes ma’am; we have surely shared a lot of life lessons from our lives on the farm Ms. Katherine. Lord willing, we can sit and share stories and lessons one day ma’am. Even if it’s on the front porch of heaven. Shortcuts always seem to get us in trouble don’t they? I loved your story, and hope you laughed along with mine as I did yours. God’s blessings ma’am.

  3. LuAnn Edwards

    Miss the farm—especially the cows. To visualize what you described came easily. Great reminder about selfishness too. Thanks, Jim!

    1. Thank you so much Ms. LuAnn. It surely happens ma’am. Many of us can recall those incidents. We smile about them now, but not so much in the moment. And yes, our selfishness can lead to a much-diminished testimony to the world can’t it? God’s blessings sweet friend.

  4. Your story reminds me of what often happens when we are insistent on our own way and focused on our own goals without regard for God’s plan. Lulu Belle provided a good lesson!

    1. Amen Ms. Jeannie. Am always amazed at how God can use our surroundings and circumstances to teach us. Funnier still, is how He can teach different people the same lessons, using their worldview.

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