
I sit atop a hill near the western edge of my property; facing east. Whenever we can, my buddy “Bubba the chocolate lab” and I steal away for a few undistracted moments with God. Often, it’s after we’ve fed the livestock as dawn breaks over the ranch. I watch the sunrise and spend some quiet time with my Abba.

My special place in nature is where I go for alone time with God. It may sound silly, but I call it “Watching the rising sun; looking for the Risen Son.” In these peaceful moments, I share my heart with my heavenly father. I give my worries, frustrations, fears, hopes, dreams, and aspirations to Him. When the world surrounds and begins smothering me, I get away, drive to my little hill, and seek God’s refuge whenever I can.

How many times have I uttered these two small, yet powerful, words… “Come Lord.” We grow tired of the struggles of this life at times; I think it because of the longing for home God placed in our hearts upon our creation. Solomon offers many points of wisdom throughout the books of the Bible he wrote. One of my favorite verses (Ecclesiastes 3:11 NKJV) reads “He has made everything beautiful in its time. Also He has put eternity in their hearts, except that no one can find out the work that God does from beginning to end.”

When I ponder these words, I remind myself I am not supposed to know God’s ways or His reasons. I am to seek His eternal plan for my life. My oft-asked question; “Father, what would You have me do that brings You glory and furthers Your kingdom?” I sometimes lament that too often my question goes unanswered in those moments. Thus, I continue seeking His will.

Where is your special place to spend time with God? Share on X

Whenever I steal away for some alone time with God, my mind recites a poem authored many years ago. I wrote these words during a troubling time in my life. I pray this helps you find the inner peace needed to allow God to touch your life.

Your Silent Strength

When daily tasks do challenge me,
When answers don’t seem clear,
Your thoughts, unspoken though they be,
I always seem to hear.

As other folks, my patience steal,
Or troubles take their toll,
Your silent strength, I always feel,
It’s You who makes me whole.

Your wisdom, shared throughout Your word,
Like Your presence when You’re not here.
Is a force so soft, it can’t be heard,
Yet I cannot help but hear.

-jdw 1/82

As I recite this, I think of words from Isaiah 30:15; “… In quietness and confidence shall be your strength…”; I remind myself my endurance, my strength, and my peace comes from God alone.

God’s blessings…


16 thoughts on “Watching…”

  1. Author Terry Palmer

    wonderful how the Lord directs our thoughts together and amen for that. Appreciate the quiet moment with Jesus.
    Author Terry Palmer

  2. I love this, Jim. “Watching the rising sun; looking for the Risen Son.” I’ve done this too, and it is so sweet.
    Currently my place is indoors at the kitchen table or in my office. But there are a lot of distractions in both places. I can’t wait until the weather permits my place in my garden, near an old fence, next to plants, trees, and flowers on my singular purple chair…. watching for the rising sun.
    The poem hit home today as well. I’m grateful you began this blog “about the Lord and the Writing Life.”

    1. Aww Ms. Jackie. You’re gonna make an old guy all misty-eyed there. Thank you my friend. I agree with you though, wherever we find a place to just get away and commune with The Father is a great place to be. Thank you so much for all your kindness and encouragement ma’am. God’s blessings.

  3. “Your wisdom, shared throughout Your word,
    Like Your presence when You’re not here.
    Is a force so soft, it can’t be heard,
    Yet I cannot help but hear.”
    I love your poem, J.D. You have a way with words, they are beautiful expressions of your thoughts.
    Sounds like you have an amazing place to sit watching the Son rise on your heart, mind, and will. Thank you!

    1. Coming from you Ms. Stephanie; this is high praise indeed. Not sure I am deserving, but you sure make an old fella feel like he’s worth something ma’am. I sure do have an amazing “Quiet Place” for my God time.

  4. What a beautiful message! I enjoy sharing time with God throughout the day and night. Looking out of my home office window and viewing the pond across the street provides a special time to share thoughts with God.

    1. Thank you so much Ms. Melissa. What kind words ma’am. When I look out of my den window, I see a beautiful front pasture. So serene. I know exactly what you mean ma’am.

  5. I love the idea of a special place to spend time in nature with the Lord. The poem is beautiful, too.
    Your posts often bring a smile to my face. This one did not disappoint.

    1. Thanks Ms. Beckie. We all need our place to just be along with our Maker. In the middle of His beautiful creation just makes sense to me. It’s so much easier to do here on the ranch. It was a little tough in our Del Webb community before we came home. As for my posts… isn’t it funny; yours have exactly the same effect on me ma’am. God’s blessings my friend.

  6. I love to watch sunrises, thus your phrase “watching the rising sun; looking for the Risen Son” got my attention. Next time i’m gazing raptly at God’s beauty in the dawn, I’ll be reminded of His faithfulness. Thanks for the blessing today, my friend.

    1. Ms. Katherine, your kindness and sweet encouragement are more than I deserve my friend. Thank you so much for your comments; you made my week! 🙂 God’s blessings my friend.

  7. After many years as a Christ-follower God has really been teaching me the power of sitting quietly before him. Amazing isn’t it?
    Really enjoyed the poem!

    1. Thank you Ms. Loretta. Such kindness in your comments ma’am. Yes, it’s funny, but it’s when I am most quiet (both my spirit and big mouth) I hear God the loudest. 🙂 Am glad you enjoyed the post ma’am. And I yours.

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