How Do I Top That?

Last year’s New Year’s Eve saw my wife Diane and I renew our marriage vows. Married twenty years ago on that day, we stood in front of a retired county judge and said our vows. Last year, our pastor allowed us to renew our commitment to one another in front of God and our “Family of Faith.”

I can’t tell you what I gave my wife as an anniversary gift; we don’t get too crazy anymore with gift giving. I can remember everything about our re-marriage ceremony. We exchanged handwritten vows. I read the poem I wrote for her on our wedding day, God’s Gift. Diane read another poem written for her, and inscribed in our wedding bands, One Day More.

Our pastor said some gracious words; we exchanged rings, held hands, and then were reintroduced to our friends and family as husband and wife. Next came the reception. In true Texas style, we had a wonderful barbecue with brisket and the best smoked sausage ever. We also had potato salad, coleslaw, baked beans, and cornbread. Then, a custom wedding cake (the first one we’ve had) and wonderful wishes from all who attended.

Diane and I will be married twenty-one years in just a few days. I’m not sure how she’s put up with me for that long, but grateful for God’s blessing—my wife. She is my best friend, confidant, and biggest supporter. I’m not sure I can do anything to top last year’s anniversary, but I’ll try. To steal a line from a movie long ago forgotten; I will love you for the rest of my life.

Growing as a couple or as a Christian requires the same key ingredients. Any union needs nurturing with lots of love, patience, grace, mercy, and support. God teaches us through His example how to exhibit the fruits of the Spirit in our lives. My wife and I remind each other often that we start each day on different shores. Each day, we begin building a bridge toward the other. On good days, our spans meet in the middle.

Some days, one of us will need to change our course or build a little longer span than the other. That’s what love does. It doesn’t quantify the effort; it merely acknowledges that effort is being made. I like to think God applies that same definition. Not that He expects perfection from His children; it’s enough He knows our heart is His and we are attempting to follow Him and learn from His son’s example. It isn't the rate at which we grow; it's that we consistently keep growing. Share on X

God’s blessings…

16 thoughts on “How Do I Top That?”

    1. Such kindness. Thank you Ms. Jeanne. Next time I’m in New England perhaps God will allow us that very blessing ma’am. I was just in Seymour, CT this fall; and Lord willing, I’ll get to work with this amazing group of people again. God’s blessings ma’am.

    1. You are far too kind Ms. Karen; thank you for your sweet comments ma’am. The greatest blessing my wife and I have in life is wonderful Christian friends like you ma’am. Here’s wishing you lots of peace, joy, and happy writing in 2019. God’s blessings Sargent family.

    1. It surely is Mr. Jimmie. Am convinced that I can never love another person on this earth as much as do my Diane. I love many people, some hold special places in my heart. My triune God is at the center, and my bride is second. God’s blessings sir.

    1. Thanks Ms. Joyce. Diane and I are looking forward to our traditional Anniversary Dinner of shrimp cocktails, prime rib, and a salt-crusted baked potato. Praying you have a healthy and happy New Year ma’am.

    1. Awww shucks. Thank you ma’am. I’ve read so many of your beautiful words; I feel mine pale in comparison. Thank you for your kindness and encouragement. God’s blessings ma’am.

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