The Coming Storm
The storm clouds are gathering. Can you feel it? It’s a palpable feeling of impending danger that strikes fear into our heart. Sometimes it’s a news story, weather forecast, or a tornado siren in the distance. […]
The storm clouds are gathering. Can you feel it? It’s a palpable feeling of impending danger that strikes fear into our heart. Sometimes it’s a news story, weather forecast, or a tornado siren in the distance. […]
With all the chaos, furor, and clamor happening around us—and what may soon come—our nation appears on the brink of destruction. Satan has created a strong current of partisanship, distrust, division, and hatred within this world
Maximizing Your EGT Read More »
As Bubba the chocolate lab and I made our way across the pasture, the thick morning fog allowed only a faint outline of my destination. Home. Wonderful thoughts rushed through my mind. Driving back from morning
Faith Through the Fog Read More »