Basking in The Light

This week, it is my great pleasure to introduce you to a friend, mentor, Christian writer, fellow agrarian—and most importantly, Christian brother and faithful prayer partner. I playfully yet respectfully call him “The Honey Man” as you’ll come to understand from his bio; although his sweet disposition does have a lot to do with it. Please welcome my guest this week, Mr. Ben Cooper.

God’s blessings,


Raising five children in our small, cape cod house made for tight quarters. As the kids grew older, we were always jockeying around for space. It wasn’t possible for each of the kids to have a room of their own. The older ones got their own rooms and as they grew up and moved out on their own room swaps happened about the same time span as the difference in their ages.

As we inch closer to becoming empty nesters, space is more readily available. Our oldest daughter got her upgraded space, allowing me to renovate her old bedroom into my new office. My wife, Sonia, wanted me to make my old office into a breakfast nook. That area has double windows that overlook the yard, pasture, and eventually the Eastern Continental Divide. It gets all the afternoon and evening sunlight.

Sonia found an antique Victorian marble-topped table with matching chairs that became her Christmas gift. No sooner had she settled in to enjoy her new space, when she realized she was in competition for that same spot every afternoon. As the sunlight lit up the marble surface of the table each afternoon, our resident feline decided that was her space. If you have a cat, you know exactly what I am talking about. They seek out the best sunspot in the house and curl up there. I think she and the cat have worked things out. Sonia takes the early morning shift for reading and doing her morning devotions and “Mouser” get the afternoon shift for basking in the sun.

The attraction for that sunspot recalled an admonition from the Lord that invites us to bask in the “Son” spot.

“But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light,
we have fellowship with one another, and the blood
of Jesus his Son cleanses us from all sin.”
(1 John 1:7)

That’s where we should spend the bulk of our time. Like mouser, we should crave the warmth of basking in the “Son” to prepare us for when we need to take that light into a dark and sinful world.

The very first recorded words of God in Genesis 1:3 are well known, “Let there be light.” However, not everyone who reads those words fully understands them. The “be” verb in the original language is akin to the phrase “I am” that God used to tell Moses to credit who sent him. So, we could better understand those very first words of God as saying, “I am light.” God called us from the very beginning to stay in His light. His living word, Jesus, is the light of the world.

“Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, ‘I am the light
of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness,
but will have the light of life.’” (John 8:12)

Is it any wonder that things of nature are attracted to the light? It isn’t just cats. Plants will bend their stems and branches to try to capture as much sun as they can to turn that into energizing growth. God created man with a propensity to be in the light, but mankind quickly became separated from that light and life-giving source.

Are we habitually deciding every day to bask in His “Son’s” light? #SeekLight #BeHisLight Share on X

And if we are, do we take that precious light to a lost and dying world?

“In the same way, let your light shine before others,
so that they may see your good works and give glory to
your Father who is in heaven.”
(Matthew 5:16)

Ben Cooper

Unless otherwise notes, all scripture quotations are from The ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

Ben lives in the rural southern Pennsylvania mountains along the Mason / Dixon line within the shadows of the Eastern Continental Divide. He and his wife have raised and homeschooled their 5 children on this 3.5-acre farmette. Ben grew up on a family dairy farm in western Pennsylvania, obtained his Agricultural Degree from Penn State University and worked 32 years for Maryland Department of Agriculture. He is a beekeeper and teaches classes at Allegany College of Maryland. Ben only recently began writing Christian non-fiction, including being a contributing author to several Guideposts publications. He can be reached by email at

You can find Ben’s Amazon author page, and check out some of his God-honoring works at

33 thoughts on “Basking in The Light”

  1. I enjoyed this! I admire those who can take our life experiences and turn them into devotions. I wanted to write devotions once, aimed at creatives (writers, artists, thespians, etc). I managed to write three! That was it. I realized I could contribute them but a devotion book was not coming out of me! Ha!

    1. Ane, I never expected to be writing devotions, but it’s pretty easy when you are surrounded inside and out by nature and see the natural order of things God has created. James 1:20 let people know that seeing creation is enough to convince us that someone more powerful than random choice has made all this possible. You can always try picking up the pen again. There are places to submit your stories without having to write an entire book.

  2. I so love the reminders here and the picture of Mouser sitting in the sun. My son has a dog who goes wherever there is the slightest sliver of sun to lie down in. We would do well to pay attention to God’s creation!! Thank you for sharing a beautiful post.

  3. Ann, I showed my daughter Mouser’s internet debut early this morning. Isn’t it amazing how we can learn some many biblical truths if we just watch our critters do what they naturally do? My bees help me see God much of the times I work with them.

  4. Nice to meet you, Ben. What a vivid picture you paint with these words. I can just see Mouser stretched out on his spot basking in the Son’s light. Wonderful connection and transition to the importance of that for us all.
    Thank you.

  5. This is my first exposure to you outside of the PJNet.TV chat room, Ben, but having had a cat for a number of years I can really relate to and appreciate the down to earth illustration about finding the best light spot. It was a great way to transition into the Son light, and your encouragement to carry that Light to others is desperately needed in these dark times. God bless you Ben, and pass along our thanks to J.D. for sharing his space.

    1. Ron, Thanks for your kind words and to JD for yielding over his blog to the likes of me. There’s no time like the present to share the Light of Christ to an ever darkening world.

  6. Jeannie Waters

    Ben, your words helped me visualize “Mouser” stretching out on the marble-topped table. As I thought about your wife and the cat sharing the sunlight, I thought about how we bask in the Light of Christ and then share it with others. Thank you for an excellent message.

  7. Ben, your wife and Mouser found a way for both to benefit from your sun-kissed area. This is a great example of living in the unity of the Son as we all absorb His light. Thank you for sharing, and thank you J.D. for hosting Ben.

  8. This morning is dark and dreary here but I can still bask in the Son. Thanks for the great encouragement. Always appreciated.

  9. I loved your connection between “Let there be light.” and “I am Light.” using the to be verb. Wow. Never thought of that.
    Welcome Ben Cooper. any friend of JD’s is a friend of mine.

    1. Jacqueline,
      Well consider us good friends then. They don’t come any better than JD and Miss Diane! Some people teach that God never declares who He is in the beginning of Genesis, but His first recorded words tell us He is light.

  10. Thank you, Ben. I’ve always loved the light–want lots of windows in my house, enjoy the longer days of spring, and am especially grateful for the Light of the World (our Lord and Savior). Thank you for this uplifting message to bring us joy and Light.

    1. Thank you Katherine. There’s nothing like His natural light to change how we view things!
      I would not like a house with too many windows here, we live close to a road and they get dirty all the time. :0)

  11. Lori Ann Hatcher

    I confess. I am Mouser. I carry my laptop from sunny spot to sunny spot all day long. And on rainy days? I get absolutely nothing accomplished. Thanks for the smile and the thought-provoking post. May we forever follow the Son!

    1. Lori, Isn’t that good to get out in the open. Now you don’t feel so guilty 😉
      Actually there are times I lay on the bed for a rare nap on a Sunday afternoon right where the sun spot is!
      Glad you liked the post.

  12. Ben, I enjoyed learning more about your family. I’ve never thought about it before, but things of nature are attracted to the light. And God created us to seek His light in a world of darkness.

    1. Karen, It was close quarters in the house and tight in the vehicles when we had 5 plus parents. Nature abhors a vacuum where light cannot exist. So, it only makes sense then that nature seeks out light. The simple things of nature seek out light, but can point to Thee Light!

  13. Mr. Ben, a big note of thanks for sharing your wisdom and heart for God with us this week. I always enjoy your insights and guidance; and I treasure your faithful prayer for my family and that God might use me as He sees fit. Am honored to stand in His service beside you my faithful and learned friend. God’s blessings. I also want to thank all the kind friends who interacted with Mr. Ben here. I’m so blessed to be able to share him with all y’all. Like you, he’s a treasured part of my life.

  14. Hey, I understand Mouser. When we lived in a rental home in Louisiana, our bedroom had a window at the top that let in the sun. It poured down on our bed and nothing gave me more pleasure than on Saturday afternoons to lay down on that bed and “sun” for a while! Yes, we need to soak in the warmth of our Creator’s gifts. What an honor to be invited to guest blog on my favorite blog site. Thank you for sharing.

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