Am I His Hands

Helping a friend identify their spiritual gifts, I reminded them that God doesn’t want Christians who “sit and watch”; He wants Christians who “go and do.” I shared with my new Christian friend how we are charged with being the hands and feet of God in this world. When asked, “Where exactly is that in the Bible”, I had to scramble.

We’ve heard it all our lives it seems, but Google™ “hands and feet scripture” and you get lots of references and commentary, but there’s no one scripture stating exactly that. I offered Ephesians 2:10 to my friend; “For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.” When I think of this verse, I am led to believe I am God’s hands and feet in this world, as an Ambassador of Christ (2 Corinthians 5:20).

What I do in this world should reflect who I am and who I represent. #AmbassadorForChrist #ServeGod Share on X

“What’s that mean; to be the hands and feet of God”, my friend asked. Great question, I thought. I shared another anchor verse in my life; then explained my thoughts of what it means to be the hands and feet of God.

“He has shown you, O man, what is good;
And what does the Lord require of you
But to do justly, To love mercy,
And to walk humbly with your God?”
(Micah 6:8)

“To be the hands and feet of God in this world is to serve others as God directs in the same way that Christ served and showed us.” I explained how we must study God’s word and use Christ’s examples and teaching as a model for our Christian lives. The way He treated all those around Him, the parables He shared as lessons to us, and His character traits all direct us on how to serve His kingdom. I ended with the charge Jesus gave during His Parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37). “And he said, ‘He who showed mercy on him.’ Then Jesus said to him, ‘Go and do likewise.’” (Luke 10:37)

The feet of God will go where God leads them; the hands of God will do what God directs. Are you willing to go and do? #Discipleship #LiveOutYourFaith #GoAndDo #SpirtualWalk Share on X

Later, I vaguely remembered hearing of a statue of Jesus Christ with no hands in Europe after WWII. I thought what a great example to share with my friend. The statue remained with no hands because God wants us to be them here on earth. As I researched the famed statue, I found many claims. A bombed-out cathedral in Strasbourg, France, a church in Soweto, South Africa, and another outside a church in San Diego, California. Having not seen any of them, nor able to verify any of the claims, I think all provide a tangible reminder of how we are to serve God.

The causes for the statues to have no hands range from natural disasters, vandalism, to bombings during WWII, but the stories are all similar. A decision not to repair or replace the hands of Christ, but adding a plaque reading, “I have no hands but your hands” in each case. These words came from a prayer of Saint Teresa de Avila (1515-1582). My research also led to a poem, “The World’s Bible”, by Ms. Annie Johnson Flint (1866-1932); you can read it here. Poem: The World’s Bible by Annie Johnson Flint (

In praying for guidance on how I might best present this additional information, the Holy Spirit led me to recall the words of 1 Peter 4:10. “For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.” I hope that by linking the spiritual gifts each Christian receives as God sees fit, my friend better understands how He equips us to be His hands and feet.

I pray you ask yourself, “Am I His hands? Will the world see Him through me?” As Christians, we must endeavor to use the spiritual gifts God has equipped us with to help each other and the world. When we do this, we share God’s light and love.

God’s blessings,


Scripture taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

42 thoughts on “Am I His Hands”

  1. We should pray each day that God gives us the resolve to be the hands and feet of Jesus in this broken and hurting world, J. D. Can you imagine the healing and hope we could spread to others if all Christians followed in His footsteps?
    Blessings, my friend!

    1. Amen Ms. Martha! I often try to pray “Guide me to do Your bidding Lord; help me to live out Your will for my life, not mine.” Wouldn’t it be something if we all resolved to “Go and Do” in His name more? I think that day is coming soon though. I’m not sure what my job will be in Christ’s millennial kingdom, but I’m sure looking forward to being a part of it. 😀

  2. Another powerful reminder, J.D., and an encouragement to share with others what our lives are to be. I’ve been telling people for years that we ought to stop calling those capacities God gave us ” spiritual gifts” and start calling them “spiritual responsibilities.” They weren’t given to us to demonstrate at our leisure or apply when we feel like it. They’re a primary means that Jesus chose to use to touch the lives of others and to reveal Himself to the world through us. Another comment I’ve made repeatedly is that most of the time when God came walking into my life, He was wearing somebody else’s shoes. God bless you my faithful friend, for reminding us why we’re here and who’s hands are really reaching out to a lost and broken world when we make an effort to lift up someone in need.

    1. Now that’s a sermon I want to come listen to my friend! Oh, how we need to shout this from the mountaintop sir. What encouraging comments sir. My day was energized by your kind reply. Thank you!

  3. There’s one European statue where the heat that burned the church/cathedral caused Jesus’ arms to drop so they’re welcoming everyone. Used in my husband’s sermons…I know somewhere in Europe is a bit vague!! Anyway, the idea is what counts, and you shared it!!

    1. Yes; I think this is the one in Strasbourg, France I mentioned. Haven’t had the pleasure of seeing any of them, to verify; but like the words of the poem, it’s a spirit of surrender I believe we (the body of Christ) needs more of. Thank you Ms. Gail.

  4. ““I have no hands but your hands.” J.D., that is really sobering to think on. To be His hands will require sacrifice; it means helping whomever He places in our paths. Can we even imagine how many would be reached if we were to be His hands every day, in every where, with everyone. Thank you for challenging me today!

    1. And, Joanne, consider what Jesus’ hands went through. Could we ever sacrifice our ability to use our hands and have only words to do His work? For someone who writes, I’m lead to believe speaking His Word is paramount. Ah, to be bold as Jesus.

    2. Amen Ms. Joanne. As I was writing this post, I was compelled to examine my own walk in faith, and I too saw far too many times when I choose myself over God. God’s blessings sweet friend.

  5. Powerful truths about becoming God’s hands and feet and never satisfied to sit and watch. I think about the feet of Jesus that walked on water, walked to minister to others, and were pierced my nails. His hands touched those that needed healing, stretched out to calm a storm, and were pierced by nails. Lord, give me hands and feet dedicated to spreading the gospel and ministering to others in the name of Jesus.

  6. I pray each morning to be sensitive to God’s agenda for my day. The scriptures in this post are powerful. Thank you for another inspiring read with a call to thought and action.

  7. I heard someone say, since He has called us and equipped us with gifts of His Spirit, it is a slap in the face of God not to use them in service for Him. Another well presented and thought-provoking blog.

    1. Thank you Ms. Dottie. Yes ma’am; I would agree with that person’s statement. How it must hurt God to see His people waste the gifts He gave us. I once heard that if we don’t use our spiritual gifts, God removes them from us. Older now, I don’t necessarily think that’s the case, but I’m certain I will answer for every opportunity He offered me to use them and I failed to answer His call. Another analogy, which I like a lot, is that each time we deny Christ, we are driving another nail into His hands and feet. The mental picture of continuing to “crucify” my Lord and Savior is sometimes more than I can bear.

  8. I remember once I told my pastor that he would be Christ to those for whom he was visiting across the globe in India. He seemed startled by my analogy. But that is what it means to be brothers and sisters in Christ, to be servants of a Living God. We are His creation so it is reasonable to be His representative, specifically His hands and feet. Humbling thought really, isn’t it?

  9. Your post is so relevant and expresses the commission to go into all the world and preach the gospel. We preach with words but they have no meaning if not supported by our actions. Thank you for this,insightful post.

  10. Candyce Carden

    As previous comments indicate, we find words throughout the Bible that support believers being the hands and feet of Jesus. One of my favorites is “…let us love, not in word or speech, but in truth and action” (1 John 3:18 NRSB). As the old axiom goes, “actions speak louder than words” and have more impact.

    1. That’s another great verse that points to this axiom Ms. Candyce. Thank you ma’am. I thought too of verses from Book of James. So much evidence that God expects His children to “Go and Do.” 🙂

  11. What a powerful visual those handless statues of Jesus must be. Wow. Thank you JD for this reminder that I am the hands and feet of Jesus to those I come in contact with.

  12. As I think about you sharing the Gospel of Jesus with your friend, it shows me that you are doing exactly what we are called to do. And as we “teach” and share the love of Jesus with others, we are being His hands, His feet, His voice on Earth. As you probably realize, when we teach, we also learn. Thank you for sharing what you learned so that we could also learn from your experience. Praying for you and for your friend in Christ. What a blessing you have shared! Thank you.

  13. Yvonne Morgan

    Thank you JD for this important reminder of our role. Even though hands of feet of Christ is not in the Bible. I always remember “And how can anyone preach unless they are sent? As it is written: “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!””
    ‭‭Romans‬ ‭10:15‬ ‭NIV‬‬

  14. An important question for each of us to ask, J.D. I appreciate how you helped this new Christian understand how we are to serve God wherever He places us.

  15. Wonderful post, as usual, brother JD! Very thought-provoking and powerful. In the book of James, we learn that faith without works is dead. And the fine white linen we saints will wear at the marriage supper of the Lamb is made up of our righteous acts. Going and doing! Yes, it’s what we should do after we’re saved (by grace, not by works, lest anyone should boast!) Blessings on your weekend.

  16. J.D., your words remind me of another Scripture that echos your thoughts. “Present yourselves to God as those alive from the dead, and your members as instruments of righteousness to God” (Rom. 6:13), How amazing that God wants to live His life through us!

    1. Wonderful thoughts Ms. Debbie. And your words reminded me of another applicable verse. Second Timothy 2:15 reads, “Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” (NKJV). Your comment reminded me of what the letters of my beloved AWANA club at church stands for. Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed (AWANA). I’m so very blessed and humbled to stand with you and all the others here to proclaim our Lord through our lives. God’s blessings gentle friend.

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