A Powerful Reminder

Our Cross-Dubya ranch gives many reminders of how much God has blessed my life. The livestock lowing softly through the morning fog reminds me of God’s steadfast protection. Bubba the chocolate lab’s greeting when I open the door leading to the garage, reminds me of God’s enduring love and the loyalty I offer Him. A barn full of hay and fields full of emerging winter forage remind me of God’s provision. These things pale when compared to His most powerful reminder.

Most days begin the same. I awaken before dawn and share time with God in prayer, study, and meditation. At first light, I feed and water all the animals. Sometimes my wife is awake and sitting at her desk with that first cup of coffee as I enter the house to prepare my breakfast. Most mornings, however, the house is still peaceful as she sleeps. Walking by my den upon awakening, she reminds me, “I like coffee.” I often prepare and bring her that first cup to start her day. Later each morning, God shares His powerful reminder of the power of prayer.

How does God remind you of His steadfast presence in your life? Share on X

That reminder comes each morning as I make my way from the den to the kitchen for that late-morning cup of coffee. As I walk by her craft room/office, she sits, in silence. Her Bible and journal are open and she’s immersing herself in God’s word. It’s at that moment I’m reminded of how God answered my heart’s great desires and long-offered prayers. He gave me a wonderful soulmate and helper; and He led her into a true and personal relationship with Him.

I prayed for almost 40 years for God to bring me that one person He had created to stand beside, encourage, challenge, and strengthen me. I knew she believed in God very early in our relationship. Another 15 years was spent praying He would awaken her soul and bring her into that same deep, intimate, personal relationship with His Son that I found.

Each morning, as I see my wife surrendering herself to God, I think of the words of Matthew 7:7-8 (NKJV).

“Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and
you will find; knock, and it will be opened
to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who
seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened.”

I find great peace in knowing that God has ignored no plea I’ve made with earnest and humility. Answering prayers throughout my life, He’s taught many valuable lessons. These include:

  • Trust (Proverbs 3:5-6): I’ve learned to trust in the promise of His word. This doesn’t mean that I will always get exactly what I pray for, in exactly the way I expect it. It means I will get an answer from God to my every request. Of course, no mention of trusting God could be complete without referencing 2 Corinthians 1:20 (can you hear Alan Jackson singing the chorus to “Standing On The Promises” right now?).
  • Patience (Psalm 27:14): Learning to wait on God has taught me both patience and how to follow without complaining. I can’t always understand where God is leading me as He answers my prayers. I can trust Him to make my paths straight and prepare me to receive His blessing during the journey.
  • Acceptance (Hebrews 10:36): Learning to accept God’s will and His plan for my life has brought great peace and comfort to my soul. I realize that I can’t understand why God is leading me to do something or go somewhere (Jeremiah 29:11), but I know He will never seek to harm me. I often remind myself of the words of Isaiah 55:8-9.

If I’m honest, I can’t tell you how I’m a strong spiritual leader of my family; the wise teacher and counselor that disciples every family member. What I have learned is that our triune God is a much better teacher than I can ever be. I have accepted that my role in His plan for my wife and others is to model a life surrendered to Christ. In doing this, I pray daily God can use me as a role model for others. I pray I can be an example of what He can do with anyone who allows Him to work in their life. Far from perfect, but soft clay, submitting my life to the Potter’s hand.

What lessons has God taught you in your walk with Him? Share on X

I hope you’ve reflected on the many ways God has shown Himself faithful and true in your life. When I see my wife engrossed in her quiet mornings with God, He reminds me how He must often prepare me before He can answer my prayers through others. Each time I see her studying, hear her praying, or listening to worship music as she works at her desk, I’m reminded of the power of prayer. Whatever the time, whatever the need, God never fails.

God’s blessings,



Please join me each Thursday evening at 9:30 Eastern as host Coach Mark Prasek and I take a trip Around the Cross-Dubya on PJNET TV. We discuss this week’s blog post, offer insight about the lessons learned, and enjoy the fellowship of friends in the live chat room.


42 thoughts on “A Powerful Reminder”

  1. I think I have to say He has shown His Presence most clearly and has taught me most powerfully of His love and grace through my children and now my grandchildren. We are to come to Him as little children and watching them reminds me of this truth every day.

  2. Your humility and submission to God’s will are such an inspiration to me, J. D. You remind us all that God is steadfast, that He always hears our prayers, and works in ways that benefit us the most. Thanks for your insights and honesty, my friend!

    1. Oh, how I am humbled by your words Ms. Martha. I pray each day that God will use me for His purpose as I try to live my life for Him. It seems I fail more times than not, but your gentle words remind me that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I pray God beholds our hearts as beautiful and precious to Him. God’s blessings sweet friend.

  3. Powerful story of how God is faithful to answer our prayers. I praise His Holy Name for providing such a wonderful soul mate for you. May He continue to bless you my dear friend

  4. A beautiful story aptly illustrating God’s promise to answer our prayers when we trust, practice patience, and accept His answer. Happy to see trust at the top of the list – trust makes the other two easier to come by.

  5. Kathy Collard Miller

    Over the over-50 years of walking with God, His sovereignty is most important to me. Your story, J.D., of trusting Him for your soul mate reminds us all of God’s never failing sovereignty. In charge is He! Thank you!

    1. Amen Ms. Kathy. Had I learned to trust His timing, His leading, and His sovereignty in my life much earlier it would have saved me a whole lot of heartache and pain. Then again, I sometimes wonder if He didn’t intend for me to go through those rough patches to sand off the rough edges in my spirit.

  6. A beautiful story, you certainly are a child of God,
    and are showing us also to follow Him in all we do.
    Thank you and God’s blessings always.

  7. Edwina E Cowgill

    What a beautiful reminder of God’s faithfulness, acceptance and patience for us! I am always humbled to read your blogs.
    And then, today, you mention my hometown boy, Alan Jackson! Best country music singer ever! Thanks!

    1. Isn’t he though!? I love his “Precious Memories” album. I think that’s playing in my pickup more than any other. Seems to default when I plug in my iPhone. LOL Thank you so much for your kind words ma’am.

  8. Love the picture and honor you give of your soulmate. Thankful that the desire of your heart was met, but even more so that Jesus is the desire of you both. Thank you for the encouragement!

    1. So am I Ms. Melissa. I sometimes wonder why Ms. Diane got the short end of the stick on the deal, but I make her smile most days so maybe it’s not all bad. 🙂 Have a blessed CHRISTmas and give Mr. Alan the week off for that furniture you two mastered.

  9. J.D., your story reminds me of Ps. 37:4 “Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart.” As you delighted in the Lord He created pure desires in you that He delighted in fulfilling! What a wonderful Savior!

    1. Indeed Ms. Debbie. I’ m learning to live this verse out in my life ma’am. In the past few years, after I finally surrendered to God’s will more than my own, the blessings haven’t stopped being poured out. A great psalm to hold close for sure ma’am. God’s blessings.

  10. That’s a promise I will hang my hat on, sir! His faithfulness is evident all around for those with a heart and mind to look for it as you do so earnestly. Thanks for this thoughtful run through of the start of your day and the handprint of God all over it and visual of his goodness in the gift of your wife – labor of prayer!!

    1. Thank You Ms. Mary. The best part to the start of our day is that God just keeps on giving. I love finding him while I cleaning the barn, watering cattle, fixing a fence, giving “Mavric” a chin rub, or sitting under the shade of the pines with Bubba on my lap. He’s always here, and always willing to share whenever we take the time to listen for Him. God’s blessings and Merry CHRISTmas my friend.

  11. What a very nice tribute to Miss Diane!
    I am also reminded of a comment Rachael Colby made a week ago, “I am an imperfect perfectionist.” We are being made perfect by daily surrendering our desires unto Him and that starts with our time in the word and prayer each day! Thanks for seeing things God’s way as you live out your faith on the Cross-Dubya and where ever He takes you!

  12. A beautiful message of faith and love. You and your lovely bride are so blessed. It is wonderful that you both live by the Fruit of the Spirit and share love with others through your goodness and kindness.

    1. So very kind Ms. Katherine. As you have no doubt surmised, Ms. Diane often takes the lead. She’s both a blessing and an inspiration. I love seeing her in “sponge mode”, soaking up all that God offers. She often pushes me to pursue God more. God’s blessings sweet friend; and thank you again for your kindness.

  13. J.D., I love how you so lovingly talk about your wife. I, too, believe in the power of prayer. I prayed for my biological father faithfully every day for 16 years. His atheist heart and mind was finally changed and he gloriously accepted Christ as Lord.

    This is a good word, “Whatever the time, whatever the need, God never fails.”

    1. Thank you Ms. Karen. I somehow suspect Pastor Mike does exactly the same about you ma’am. 🙂 And yes, the power of prayer is infinite when applied properly (aligned with God’s will). And His will is that “none shall perish.” What an honor it is to pray for others’ salvation. I often wonder how many folks we’ll meet in heaven’s glory that we “planted a seed” within that God harvested. Oh how I pray it’s many more than I can even imagine. God’s blessings sweet friend.

  14. Such powerful thoughts that contain the beautiful simplicity of the gospel. Trust and accept. Thanks for sharing your day with us. Your routine displays the magnificence of God in every aspect of His personality.

    1. Amen Ms. Barbara. I join you in praying that all who stumble across this post can find a uniquely personal relationship with Abba. We each love and worship Him for different reasons and in difference ways. But His love for us is a constant. God’s blessings my wise and beautiful friend. I’m so very glad you are home for CHRISTmas this year.

  15. I love how you bring your wife a cup of coffee in the mornings, J.D. My Uncle George did the same for his wife. They had a similar relationship as yours and were students of the Word as well. They were childless, but their deep love and appreciation of each other were precious to witness. Right now they’re both in eternity enjoying heaven and worshiping in the presence of their Lord and Savior. Wishing you and Ms. Diane a very blessed Christmas!

    1. I can see how your Uncle George’s devotion poured into your life Ms. Karen. I see it in the loving way you care for your mama; the way you guide and support your beautiful daughters, and in the kindness you share with everyone who intersects with your life ma’am. May God continue to pour out His blessings upon you my friend, and may you and your family have a very Merry CHRISTmas.

  16. J.D., I’m so thankful with you that God brought just the right soulmate into your life. I pray you and Diane will continue caring for the Cross Dubya and its creatures, and all God provides, as you both seek Him each day! May you have a blessed CHRISTmas!

  17. After reading your post, I was reminded how I prayed that my husband would listen to Christian music on the radio rather than secular music. It wasn’t a big deal really, but I just desired that for him knowing how much I enjoyed the transition. I prayed probably for a year and then one day I noticed his radio was on the same station that I listened to. I never said a word but smiled with God!

    1. Yes. When HE answers our prayers for family and friends, we seldom say much openly, but oh how our hearts rejoice. 🙂 Thank you so much for commenting Ms. Karen; always very appreciated ma’am.

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