Two Wraps and a Hooey

A few Sunday’s ago, I was blessed to bring the morning lesson at our small country church. Doing my best to stand-in for our pastor; I often feel ill-equipped to share my views on God with my brothers and sisters in Christ. When I sense Satan attempting to tell me how inadequate I am, I remind myself that I am fearfully and wonderfully made by God (Psalm 139:14). God made me for His purpose, for this time. If God believes in me enough to entrust me with His word, then who am I to doubt that?

As some of you know, my wife Diane and I live in northeast Texas; right smack in the middle of cattle country. In our region, many high schools have Rodeo teams that compete, and some of my neighbors are champion ropers, and bronc or bull riders. Rodeo isn’t always the smartest career choice, but life should be an adventure, right? Even the little girls in this area can rope and ride with the best. In my neighborhood, my little friend Miss Kerstin Freeman and her brother Garrett spend countless hours practicing and competing in various events. They often make the “Short Go” rounds and take away coveted buckles and other prizes. Recently, my young friend Garrett placed in the State Finals as part of a heralded calf-roping team. Here’s two photos of these amazing young people in action.

Miss Kerstin is a champion roper and barrel racer. Her brother Garrett is a tall drink of water with a gentle, slow-talkin’ Texas drawl that is almost melodic.
I’ve never met more well-mannered, well-behaved, and kind young people as these two. They reflect all the goodness, love, and lessons poured into their lives by their parents.


Introducing my sermon, I used a long piece of rope to represent the “timeline of eternity” and how short our human life is in comparison (thanks Pastor Francis Chan, I borrowed your idea). As I coiled the rope in my hands, I looked over and saw my friend Mr. Sam Tippit. Like most folks around here, Sam and his father-in-law, Mr. Carl Reel, have experience with cattle. I suspect these two gentlemen have attended, and took part in, more than a few rodeos.

I’m not sure where this came from but as I looked at Mr. Sam, I exclaimed “Well, this ain’t no piggin’ string, but let’s see if we cain’t get two wraps and a hooey on ol’ Satan this mornin’.” (Y’all didn’t know I can type in Southern did ya?) This brought many smiles and a few laughs.

Two wraps and a hooey is a rodeo term, denoting the most effective way to immobilize three of a calf’s legs. For my cowboy friends, this put them at ease; and I hope opened their hearts and minds to hear the message God led me to share that morning. For my non-rodeo friends, what I meant by this is “Let’s bind Satan with God’s word so his attacks against us this morning are useless.”

My lesson wasn’t on how to defend against Satan’s attacks. I believe any time we focus on God and His word, have effective prayer, and we are in fellowship with other Christians, we shoot arrows in Satan’s direction from the rhema of God’s word. When doing so, we tell Satan to back off with spiritual authority.

What methods do you use to tie Satan up in knots? Share on X

There are lots of ways to defend against Satan’s attacks in my life. The best three are prayer, the study and application of God’s word, and fellowship with other Christians. I think the later proves most effective because I know I am not alone in the fight. I have wonderful Christian writing friends, family members, and others that make up my Family of Faith. When I am under attack, I share my need with them and together we prayerfully storm heaven’s doors with my request.

Please always remember you are never alone when Satan attacks. The Holy Spirit is within you and available to bring the power and authority of God to bear upon your earnest request. When you have a prayer request, know you can always reach out to me at I’m never too busy to stop and pray with a dear friend.

God’s blessings,

26 thoughts on “Two Wraps and a Hooey”

  1. I have a set of songs – playlist if you will – that I go to when I need to bind the enemy. Immersing myself in the music, singing the truths, permeates every sense for me.

    1. Me too Ms. Denise. I have a playlist on my iPhone named “Worship” When I start feeling Satan attacking, I sing (softly to myself because I sound like a broken foghorn) “There’s Something About That Name” by the Gaither Vocal Band ( When He shines His mighty light in my world, trouble is sure to depart. 🙂 Thank you so much for your inspiring comments ma’am.

    1. Awww… you are so sweet young lady. Thank you so much for your prayers and encouragement. I can’t wait to see you reading and writing in your new tiny house on a hill. What a blessing you are ma’am.

    1. Thank you Ms. Kelly. One of Satan’s best tricks is to isolate God’s children from one another. One of the many reasons good fellowship is so important. Prayers for your Pike’s Peak ascent this week ma’am.

  2. Quoting Scripture out loud is a powerful tool against Satan. Love the image in my mind of him tied up in knots!

  3. Some great ideas on how to fight with Satan Jim. I wonder if you can ride in a rodeo with the full armor of God.

    1. Thanks Mr. Ray. I can’t say that every cowboy rides wearing the full armor of God, but based on the number of them I see saying a prayer while in the chute, I’m pretty confident some are. 🙂

  4. This is such and encouraging post. I am preaching for our senior pastor this Sunday and I will remember your words. The Enemy likes to discourage when we do God’s work, but he has no real authority over us. Thank you.

  5. My brother was a rodeo cowboy so I especially love this one J.D. I can picture it in my minds eye.
    you are so right about the preparation! Thanks for your encouragement.

    1. I didn’t know that Ms. Loretta. A difficult yet fun way to make a living I think. As Christians, we also have to prepared. Your brother fought in an arena against fury, much like a gladiator of old. We must be prepared to face the fury of this world. Am so glad we’re in this battle together ma’am.

  6. Good morning, J.D. I so enjoyed this post. But what spoke loudest was when we wield our weapons of faith, we are telling satan to back off with spiritual authority. All glory to Him! Thank you for this post. And please excuse my lateness for reading. I prepare to speak again Saturday. God has been on the move, giving me all type of ministry opportunities. I hope to blog today about that 🙂

    1. What kindness Ms. Julie Ann. God’s blessings ma’am for taking the time to read and comment. Am so appreciative. And congratulations on your efforts to reach folks with the word of God this past weekend. I love hearing how He is using all of us who are willing to submit to His calling in our lives.

  7. Two weeks ago I was in the pulpit at my small country church so I know the feeling. The questions, “Why did I think I could do this?” or “Surely God knows how inadequate I feel?” make us feel completely inadequate. But, as you’ve experienced, God gets us through it and His message flows through us. Thanks for sharing–I always receive a blessing from your message.

    1. Amen Ms. Katherine. I just commented to another friend that “We serve a limitless God, and we must guard against placing our human limitations upon His will.” What I mean by that is we can’t let our fears and perceived inadequacies get in the way of doing what God leads us to do. I pray one day I get to hear one of your lessons ma’am.

  8. J.D., I always enjoy the posts from your life in Texas. Thank you for highlighting the fact that we are never alone when Satan attacks. As you stated so clearly, the Holy Spirit, the Word, and fellowship with Christian friends protect us.

    1. I hope my joy of living on our little ranch in Texas comes through in my writing Ms. Jeannie. With this latest surgery, I’ve been contemplating the fact that one day all this will become too much to handle and we’ll have to sell and move into smaller quarters in a city. Maybe I can talk our friend Ms. Cathy Baker’s husband into building me a tiny house out on the back forty somewhere so I can still overlook the ranch while writing. God’s blessings ma’am.

  9. Thank you for your post, J.D. I like hearing about cowboy terms, and I know it takes some skill to do what you’re saying with a rope and a calf. I’m grateful God fights for us against Satan’s schemes. I know we have a part to play. I am going to hand Him the rope.

    1. Am so glad you enjoyed the post Ms. Katy. Am thrilled to know that you’ve handed God the reins for your life ma’am. He has proven to always guide and care for us as only He can. God’s blessings my dear friend.

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