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J.D. Wininger
Thank you for visiting my web site today. I am so pleased to have you join me here.
You may notice my Cross-Dubya brand near the top-left of screen. While it’s the registered brand for my small ranch here in northeast Texas, it is more a reminder that every day my family places Christ first in everything we do.
If you enjoy the scenery at the top of this page, think how blessed I am. This is the east-facing view from my den in the springtime, where I do the majority of my writing. Can anything be more awe-inspiring? This is the canvas God paints upon each day to inspire me. The field of crimson clover reminds me of the blood Christ shed for our salvation. The lush green grass reminds me of God’s bountiful grace. When I struggle to find just the right word, I look out my window and gaze upon God’s natural beauty. Sometimes I laugh because “Magic the donkey” is standing at the fence braying he wants a carrot. Other times, “Bubba the chocolate lab” thinks he’s herding the calves or cats. Most times, I simply gaze upon this peaceful, silent world and listen for the Holy Spirit to guide me.
I invite you to explore my web site. As a Christian writer, my sole desire is to bring glory to God by using the gifts and talents He gave me, in His service.
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